Beijing Dialect
I quit
(liào tiāozi)
A: You had a job interview yesterday, didn't you?
(nǐ zuótiān qù ɡōnɡzuò miànshì le, duìba?)
B: Yes. There were about 20 candidates and finally it was down to three of us.
是的。有大概20个应聘者, 最后只剩下我们三个了。
(shìde. yǒu dàɡài èrshí ɡè yǐnɡpìnzhě, zuìhòu zhǐ shènɡxià wǒmen sān ɡe le.)
A: That sounds great!
(tài bànɡ le!)
B: But they told me they need a female, so I quit.
(dànshì tāmen ɡàosu wǒ yào zhāo yīɡe nǚde,suǒyǐ wǒ liào tiāozi le.)
I quit
(liào tiāozi)
A: You had a job interview yesterday, didn't you?
(nǐ zuótiān qù ɡōnɡzuò miànshì le, duìba?)
B: Yes. There were about 20 candidates and finally it was down to three of us.
是的。有大概20个应聘者, 最后只剩下我们三个了。
(shìde. yǒu dàɡài èrshí ɡè yǐnɡpìnzhě, zuìhòu zhǐ shènɡxià wǒmen sān ɡe le.)
A: That sounds great!
(tài bànɡ le!)
B: But they told me they need a female, so I quit.
(dànshì tāmen ɡàosu wǒ yào zhāo yīɡe nǚde,suǒyǐ wǒ liào tiāozi le.)