Bilingual News 双语资讯 - 首届"青春中国——大学生纪录片征集计划"颁奖庆典举行
日期:2013-11-08 20:59  点击:330

The awards ceremony for the first "Youth China--College Students' Mini-documentary Plan" was held on December the eighth in Beijing. The activity was jointly hosted by the CCTV Documentary channel and Chinese College Association for Visual Art.

The project began on September 24, 2011 and lasted a year. College students from 29 provinces, cities and autonomous regions participated in the event. More than 200 documentaries were selected from 2,000 films由国内影视著名学者、知名纪录片导演组成的评委会根据每部作品的思想性、专业性、创新性,在入围作品中最终评选出评委会大奖、最佳③导演奖、最佳剪辑奖、最佳摄影奖等各奖项。
The panel of judges included famous Chinese movie and TV scholars and documentary directors. Prizes were awarded for several categories, including best director, best editing and best film.

Liu Wen, Director of the CCTV Documentary channel, delivered a speech at the awards ceremony. He said the activity helped create Chinese film and TV professionals and involved close interaction between Chinese TV and other media.

Notes to the Words:
①典礼:n. ceremony
②参与:v. participate
③最佳:adj. best
④发言:n. speech
⑤有效:adj. effective


12/05 10:38
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