Extensive Reading Lesson 中国收费公路世界之最 Most of world's toll roads in China
日期:2014-03-14 21:09  点击:324



Most of world's toll roads in China

Statistics show that of the 140,000 km of toll roads across the world, 100,000 km, or 70 percent of the total, are in China, according to a report in China Business Times.

A 2008 report by the National Audit Office showed that, in 2005, 4,328 toll stations on roads in 18 provinces and municipalities collected a total of 510 billion yuan.

The number of toll stations and high fees increase the cost of transport and logistics. In China, logistics costs amount to 21.3 percent of GDP compared to around 10 percent in developed countries.


03/07 00:02
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