Lu zhai
At dusk there is not a soul to be seen along the winding path in the deep forest. But somewhere comes human voice. A few beams of sunlight are stealing through the branches and playing on the green mosses on the trunks.
Lù Zhài
鹿 柴
Kōng shān bú jiàn rén ,dàn wén rén yǔ xiǎng。
空 山 不 见 人 , 但 闻 人 语 响 。
Fǎn jǐng rù shēn lín ,fù zhào qīng tái shàng。
返 景 入 深 林 ,复 照 青 苔 上 。
Lu zhai
Wang Wei(Tang)
No man in the mountains appears in sight,
Only voices come to my ears from somewhere.
Into the forest deep steal rays of sunlight,
And silently alight on the green mosses there.
At dusk there is not a soul to be seen along the winding path in the deep forest. But somewhere comes human voice. A few beams of sunlight are stealing through the branches and playing on the green mosses on the trunks. The mountain air rising and circulating in the evening glow forms a sharp contrast with the darkening woods, showing great vitality and animation in the mountains. Artistically the poet highlights the quiet against the sound in an attempt to indicate that the seemingly empty maintains are actually not free from activity; he presents the dark against the light in order to indicate that the forest is not dark at all at night. All this goes to reveal the poet's wish to seek refuge in peace, ease and content in the mountains.
At dusk there is not a soul to be seen along the winding path in the deep forest. But somewhere comes human voice. A few beams of sunlight are stealing through the branches and playing on the green mosses on the trunks.
Lù Zhài
鹿 柴
Kōng shān bú jiàn rén ,dàn wén rén yǔ xiǎng。
空 山 不 见 人 , 但 闻 人 语 响 。
Fǎn jǐng rù shēn lín ,fù zhào qīng tái shàng。
返 景 入 深 林 ,复 照 青 苔 上 。
Lu zhai
Wang Wei(Tang)
No man in the mountains appears in sight,
Only voices come to my ears from somewhere.
Into the forest deep steal rays of sunlight,
And silently alight on the green mosses there.
At dusk there is not a soul to be seen along the winding path in the deep forest. But somewhere comes human voice. A few beams of sunlight are stealing through the branches and playing on the green mosses on the trunks. The mountain air rising and circulating in the evening glow forms a sharp contrast with the darkening woods, showing great vitality and animation in the mountains. Artistically the poet highlights the quiet against the sound in an attempt to indicate that the seemingly empty maintains are actually not free from activity; he presents the dark against the light in order to indicate that the forest is not dark at all at night. All this goes to reveal the poet's wish to seek refuge in peace, ease and content in the mountains.