Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 Getting up in the morning 起床
日期:2014-03-24 19:49  点击:413


A: 醒醒,丹尼尔。闹钟都响了一分钟了。

B: 哦,妈妈。我还好困罗。我能再睡5分钟吗?我的闹钟总是比我应该起床的时间早上10分钟的。

A: 对不起。不行。今天不行。你的房间太乱了。你必须快点起床,在上学前花点时间整理一下。

B: 好吧,妈妈。你对我总是这么严。

A: 养成好习惯对你很重要。快点。早饭十分钟就好了。


Mom wakes Daniel up in the morning.

A: Wake up, Daniel. The alarm's been ringing for almost a minute.

B: Oh, Mom. I'm still so sleepy. Can I sleep another five minutes? I always set the alarm ten minutes ahead of the time when I really need to get up.

A: Sorry. No. Not today. Your room's too messy. You have to get up fast and spend some time tidying it up before you go.

B: OK, Mom. You're always so strict with me.

A: Getting into good habits is imp0rtant for you. Hurry up[4]! Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes.


03/07 07:08
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