Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 Dialog about Cooking (3)
日期:2014-03-24 20:11  点击:488


Lǐ: Wǒ de tóng shì xiǎng xué xí zěn yàng zuò zhōng guó cài ne!
Wáng: Hǎo a, yǒu de cài hěn róng yì zuò! nǐ yě kě yǐ xué yī xué, rán hòu jiāo gěi tā.
Lǐ: Hǎo zhǔ yì! Nà cóng nǎ lǐ kāi shǐ ne?
Wáng: Yī bān lái shuō, zhōng guó de jiā tíng chī chǎo cài bǐ jiào duō. Xiān xué xí yǐ gè jī dàn chǎo xī hóng shì ba!
Lǐ: Hǎo a, hǎo chī yòu yǒu yíng yǎng.
Wáng: Shǒu xiān, zhǔn bèi hǎo chǎo guō, chǎo sháo, liǎng gè jī dàn, liǎng gè xī hóng shì, yóu hé cōng huā. Jī dàn dǎ dào wǎn lǐ jiǎo bàn jūn yún. Xī hóng shì xǐ gān jìng, qiē chéng kuài. bǎ chǎo guō shāo rè, fàng rù yóu hé cōng huā. Děng wén dào cōng huā de xiāng wèi shí, gǎn jǐn bǎ jī dàn fàng jìn guō lǐ chǎo. Děng jī dàn chà bu duō shú le de shí hou, fàng rù xī hóng shì yī qǐ chǎo. Zuì hòu fàng yī diǎn yán hé táng. jǐ fēn zhōng jiù chǎo hǎo le.
Lǐ: Shuō zhe róng yì zuò zhe nán. wǒ kàn wǒ zuì hòu bǎ nǐ gāng cái shuō de jì dào běn zi shàng, yǐ miǎn wàng le.
Wáng: Hā hā, zhēn rèn zhēn! Shí jì zuò yī cì jiù wàng bù liǎo!

Li: One of my colleagues wants to learn how to cook Chinese food!
Wang: Good! Some dishes are easy to make. You can learn too, and then you can teach her.
Li: Good idea! Where do we start?
Wang: Generally speaking, Chinese families stir-fry food often. So let's learn how to make stir- fried tomato with eggs.
Li: OK, it's tasty and nutritious.
Wang: First, prepare a wok, a ladle, two eggs, two tomatoes, cooking oil, and chopped Chinese onions. Break the eggs into a bowl and stir them well. Clean the tomatoes and chop them into chunks. Heat the wok and put in the oil and chopped Chinese onions. Add the stirred eggs to the wok as soon as you smell the scent of the Chinese onions and stir fry them together. Add the tomatoes when the eggs are close to well-done and keep stir-frying. Finally, add a little salt and sugar. It takes a few minutes altogether..
Li: Actions are more difficult than words. I think I'd better write down what you just said in case I forget.
Wang: Haw-haw, so serious! In fact, you won't forget after you've done it once.


03/10 00:51
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