Get in Fed in China - 主食、小吃 Rice, noodles and snacks 03
日期:2014-03-31 21:33  点击:590
zhǔ shí, xiǎo chī
主食、小吃 Rice, noodles and snacks

蒸饺 Steamed Jiaozi
香煎韭菜饺 Pan-Fried Leek Jiaozi
高汤水饺 Jiaozi in Broth
红油钟水饺 Jiaozi, Sichuan Style
海鲜汤饺 Jiaozi Stuffed with Seafood in Soup
酸辣汤水饺 Hot and Sour Jiaozi Soup
叉烧包 Steamed BBQ Pork Bun
叉烧焗餐包 Baked BBQ Pork Bun
蜜汁叉烧包 Steamed Honey BBQ Pork Bun
蚝油叉烧包 Steamed BBQ Pork Bun with Oyster Sauce

煎包 Pan-Fried Dumplings
靖江鸡包仔 Steamed Ginger and Chicken Bun
京菜上素包 Steamed Vegetable Bun
生煎包 Pan-Fried Bun Stuffed with Pork
豆沙包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Red Bean Paste
奶黄包 Steamed Creamy Custard Bun
肉末冬菜包 Steamed Bun with Pork and Preserved Vegetable
三鲜小笼包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Three Fresh Delicacies
山笋香菇包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Bamboo Shoots and Black Mushrooms
素菜包 Vegetarian Bun

鲜虾生肉包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Shrimps and Pork
香菇鸡肉包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Chicken and Mushrooms Bun
香滑芋茸包 Steamed Taro Bun
小笼汤包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Juicy Pork
蟹籽小笼包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Pork and Crab Roe
雪菜包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Potherb Mustard
萝包 Pan-Fried Turnip Bun
三鲜水煎包 Pan-Fried Buns with Three Delicacies
酱肉包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Braised Pork in Sauce
葱油饼 Fried Baked Scallion Pancake

葱油煎饼 Fried Scallion Pancake
豆沙锅饼 Red Bean Paste Pancake
海鲜锅饼 Pan-Fried Seafood Dumplings
红薯金饼 Fried Sweet Potato Cake
韭菜晶饼 Steamed Leek Pancake
萝卜丝酥饼 Pan-Fried Turnip Cake
肉末烧饼 Sesame Cake with Minced Pork
肉松松饼 Shredded Pork Puff
素馅饼 Vegetarian Pancake
鲔鱼松饼 Tuna Puff

香酥麻饼 Sesame Pancake
土豆饼 Potato Cake
芝麻大饼 Pan-Fried Sesame Cake
芋头饼 Deep-Fried Taro Cake
甜烧饼 Sweet Sesame Cake
咸烧饼 Spiced Sesame Cake
萝酥饼 Turnip Puff
家常饼 Pancake, Home Style
荷叶饼 Lotus-Leaf-Like Pancake
喜字饼 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Jujube Paste

小贴饼子 Baked Small Corn Cake
川式南瓜饼 Deep-Fried Pumpkin Cake, Sichuan Style
香脆贴饼子 Deep -Fried Corn Cake
黄桥烧饼 Huangqiao Sesame Cake
炸南瓜饼 Deep-Fried Pumpkin Cake
虾酱小饼 Cake with Shrimp Paste
饼香肉酱鱼籽 Cake with Minced Meat and Fish Roe
麻酱糖饼 Sweet Cake with Sesame Paste
炸圈饼 Doughnut
咸蛋肉饼 Steamed Minced Pork with Salted Egg

烙饼 Flapjack
春菇烧麦 Steamed Shaomai Stuffed with Mushrooms
翡翠烧麦 Steamed Vegetable Shaomai
牛肉烧麦 Beef Shaomai (Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Beef)
烧麦 Shaomai (Steamed Pork Dumplings)
鲜虾烧麦仔 Shrimp Shaomai
脆皮春卷 Crispy Spring Rolls
海鲜春卷 Seafood Spring Rolls
韭王鸡丝春卷 Spring Rolls Stuffed with Chicken and Hotbed Chives
肉丝炸春卷 Spring Rolls Stuffed with Shredded Pork

三丝春卷 Spring Rolls Stuffed with Three Delicacies
蔬菜春卷 Spring Rolls Stuffed with Vegetables
酸甜炸春卷 Deep-Fried Spring Rolls with Sweet and Sour Sauce
芋丝炸春卷 Deep-Fried Taro Spring Rolls
素春卷 Vegetarian Spring Rolls
上海春卷 Spring Rolls, Shanghai Style
鲜虾春卷 Spring Rolls Stuffed with Shrimps
鸭丝春卷 Spring Rolls Stuffed with Shredded Duck
锅贴 Guotie (Pan-Fried Meat Dumplings)
牛肉锅贴 Guotie Stuffed with Beef

09/22 15:33
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