Liu Xiang finishing second at the 110m-hurdle competition
日期:2014-04-26 20:22  点击:398

2009年09月21日 20号,在2009上海国际田径黄金大奖赛男子110米栏比赛中,前奥运冠军、世界冠军刘翔以13秒15的成绩获得亚军,出人意料地完成复出之战。

2009-09-21 Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang, former Olympic and world champion, returned to competition in style by finishing second with 13.15 seconds at the 110m-hurdle competition of the 2009 Shanghai Golden Grand Prix on Sunday (Sept. 20).
Liu's much-anticipated return after 13 months out injured was cheered by a boisterous crowd of 25,000 at the Shanghai Stadium. He fought back from behind to cross the finish line shoulder by shoulder with arch rival Terrence Trammell of American. The photo finish showed that Trammell was the winner in a similar time of 13.15 seconds.
"I had not expected to run so fast," said Liu, who clocked 13.70 seconds in a training session last week. "It's just beyond my imagination."
"This competition has boosted my confidence and I am sure to improve on this performance. It showed that I am still able to come out on the track and find my former self," Liu said.
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理解 Comprehension:
1. 在当天的比赛中,刘翔的成绩是____。
A. 13秒15
B. 15秒13
C. 13秒70
2. 在当天的比赛中,刘翔的成绩____。
A. 比冠军差0.1秒
B. 和冠军一样
C. 比冠军差0.55秒
答案见下期   Please see the answer in next "Special Chinese"
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