2009年09月21日 中国水利部部长陈雷19号表示,到2020年,中国水电装机容量预计将达到3亿千瓦。
2009-09-21 China's installed capacity of hydropower is expected to hit 300 million kilowatts in 2020, said the country's water resources minister Chen Lei on Saturday (Sept. 19).
He said China's water resources technology developed fast in recent years, with some of the technologies catching up with advanced levels in the world. The development potential was also very huge. According to Chen, China has more sufficient water resources reserves compared with other countries. By the end of 2008, the nation's installed capacity of hydropower was 172 million kw, the biggest in the world.
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理解 Comprehension:
1. 到2020年,中国水电装机容量将比2008年底增加____。
A. 3亿千瓦
B. 1.72亿千瓦
C. 4.72亿千瓦
D. 1.28亿千瓦
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2009年09月21日 中国水利部部长陈雷19号表示,到2020年,中国水电装机容量预计将达到3亿千瓦。
2009-09-21 China's installed capacity of hydropower is expected to hit 300 million kilowatts in 2020, said the country's water resources minister Chen Lei on Saturday (Sept. 19).
He said China's water resources technology developed fast in recent years, with some of the technologies catching up with advanced levels in the world. The development potential was also very huge. According to Chen, China has more sufficient water resources reserves compared with other countries. By the end of 2008, the nation's installed capacity of hydropower was 172 million kw, the biggest in the world.
新闻来源 Read the Article
理解 Comprehension:
1. 到2020年,中国水电装机容量将比2008年底增加____。
A. 3亿千瓦
B. 1.72亿千瓦
C. 4.72亿千瓦
D. 1.28亿千瓦
答案见下期 Please see the answer in next "Special Chinese"
上期答案 The answer of last "Special Chinese" :