太极侠 Man of Tai Chi
日期:2013-10-24 14:25  点击:491
《太极侠》 "Man of Tai Chi"

The theme and storyline of the "Man Of Tai Chi" are utterly generic - the corruption of a noble spirit by his thirst for winning. It begins with a scene of brutal man-to-man combat in a cell, where fighter Chi-tak (Jeremy Marinas) thrashes his opponent; when he refuses to "finish him off," as ordered by an unseen game master, he is stabbed by a man  (Reeves) in a mask. Led by Hong Kong police superintendent Suen Jing-si (Karen Mok), a SWAT team raids the premises but finds nothing. Jing-si appeals to her chief (Simon Yam) to help locate Chi-tak, who's actually her mole, but the case is unceremoniously closed.

The masked man turns out to be Donaka Mark, a financial high roller from the U.S. who runs a covert fight club in Hong Kong. In search of a replacement for Chi-tak, he chances upon the TV broadcast of a Chinese national martial-arts championship. Chen Linhu (Chen), sole disciple of the Lingkong School of Tai Chi, impresses him not only with his innovative moves, but also his innocence. Although he holds a stressful, low-paid job as a courier in Beijing, Linhu declines the offer to compete in Donaka's underground matches, deeming it dishonorable. However, when the temple guarded by his master (Yu Hai) faces demolition unless costly renovations are made, Donaka's offer of quick cash suddenly becomes easy bait.


陈林虎(陈虎 饰)是一位灵空太极门高手,首次参加全国武术锦标赛便凭借其精妙的太极拳法轻松获胜。为了赡养父母和承担师门的经济负担,他一边参加武术锦标赛,一边从事快递工作。

Donaka(基努·李维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰)是香港地下黑拳犯罪组织首脑,残忍杀害香港反黑组安插的卧底后,急需寻找一名武术高手继续其黑拳勾当,经多方调查决定以高薪诱惑陈林虎参加地下黑拳赛。此时“灵空观”被查出多处安全隐患,急需大笔资金修缮整改,陈林虎只得答应。在Donaka精心准备的一场场对决后,陈林虎收获了大笔资金,同时也激发出自己凶残、暴虐的一面,最终因出手狠辣被武术锦标赛组委会取消参赛资格。

绢秀(莫文蔚 饰)是香港反黑组督察,长期搜集Donaka地下黑拳组织的犯罪证据,誓要将其绳之以法。绢秀找到陈林虎,告知他若不悬崖勒马,那前卧底的残忍被杀也将是他的最终下场。陈林虎也逐渐发现到自己本性的迷失,表示愿意配合香港警方抓捕Donaka。实际上,Donaka一直监视着陈林虎的一举一动,并为他安排了最后一次对决,甚至在比赛前播放了他们如何诱使武术高手误入歧途的短片,以此为乐取悦那些神秘的会员。了解真相后的陈林虎愤怒至极,在自己从小习武的“灵空观”与Donaka展开最后的对决......


02/01 01:43
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