Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 药丸养生族 yào wán yǎnɡ shēnɡ zú
日期:2014-06-01 13:11  点击:368
Word on the street


(yào wán yǎnɡ shēnɡ zú)

Healthy pills takers

A: You hardly ate anything today. How do you keep your body healthy?


(nǐ jīběnshanɡ jīnr jiù méi chī dōnɡxi a. zhèyànɡ zěnmenénɡ shēntǐ jiànkānɡ ne?)

B: Well, I've been taking pills. I'll be fine. Have you not heard of us "healthy pills takers?" We take pills to make up for the lack of vitamins or mineral elements in our body. This is the healthiest way ever!


(wǒ yǒu chīyào a. méishìde. nǐ méi tīnɡɡuò wǒmen "yàowán yǎnɡshēnɡ zú"ma? wǒmen tōnɡɡuò fúyònɡ zhèxiē yàopǐn lái bǔchōnɡ shēntǐ xūyào de wéitāmìnɡ hé kuànɡwùzhì.)

03/10 20:33
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