The Mole
Narrator:The Mole is an animation series from Czechoslovakia, a classical cartoon filled with innocent happiness and humor for children. These warm and funny stories about the cute mole create a relaxed atmosphere and have brought much pleasure and warmth to both children and adults.
关键词(Key words):
鼹鼠 yǎn shǔ mole
幽默 yōu mò humor
轻松 qīng sōng relaxed
温暖 wēn nuǎn warm
The Mole
Narrator:The Mole is an animation series from Czechoslovakia, a classical cartoon filled with innocent happiness and humor for children. These warm and funny stories about the cute mole create a relaxed atmosphere and have brought much pleasure and warmth to both children and adults.
关键词(Key words):
鼹鼠 yǎn shǔ mole
幽默 yōu mò humor
轻松 qīng sōng relaxed
温暖 wēn nuǎn warm