Chinese story 【故事】南郭先生
日期:2014-06-26 21:25  点击:1102

                      A Mr. Named Nanguo

In ancient times, there lived a king who was fond of music played by a band.

A man named Nanguo was not good at playing the instrument at all. But he just stood in the line and pretended to play. The king didn’t know he was faking.

When the king died, his son became the new ruler. He was fond of music, too.

But the new ruler preferred solos. He ordered the musicians to play the music one by one.

This time Nanguo knew that he couldn’t pass himself off. Then he sneaked away as fast as he could.

  Note: ① 南郭先生:人名

语言点滴 Language Tips


Chinese idiom,“滥竽充数”(Be there just to make up the number), comes from this story, in which “滥”means unpractical and“竽”is a musical instrument made of bamboos. This idiom is used to mock someone who passes for a specialist.

阅读 Reading Comprehension 

  1.What does 混mean in the second paragraph?

(a) 混合     (b) 蒙混,冒充    (c) 不清洁

(a) mix      (b) pass sb off as     (c)  unclear

2 .南郭先生会吹奏乐器吗?
 Could Mr. Nanguo play the instrument?

(a) 会     (b) 不会    (c) 不知道

(a) could   (b) couldn’t  (c)  unknown

3. 最后,南郭先生为什么逃走了? Why did Nanguo sneak away at last?

(a)他不喜欢新国王          He didn’t like the new ruler.

(b)他想去别的国家吹奏乐器    He wanted to play his instrument in other countries.

(c)他怕新国王知道他不会吹奏乐器     He worried that the new ruler would find he was unable to play the instruments.


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