Chinese story 【故事】聪明的老马
日期:2014-06-27 21:50  点击:1041

   聪明的老马   The Wise Old Horses

  1. 古时候,有一个国君打完仗,在回国的途中迷失了方向。
In ancient times, a king led his army to go to a war. On their way home, the troops got lost.
2. 国君派将士去打探,但没有一个人能找到回去的道路。
The king ordered his officers to inquire about the way, but failed to get any answer.
3. 这时,一位大臣说:"我们是骑着马来的,老马应该认识回去的路。"
Then a minister suggested, "Since we came here by riding horses, perhaps an old horse may know the way back."
4. 国君听了,觉得有道理,于是命令挑几匹老马在前面带路。
Thinking that was reasonable, the king ordered several old horses to be selected to lead the way.
5. 果然,老马认识路,把军队带回了国。
Sure enough the old horses knew the way, and finally they led the army back home.

Language Tips


The Chinese idiom,"老马识途" (An Old Horse Knows the Way), comes from this story, in which"识"means "know" and"途"is "the way" or "the path". This idiom refers to the value of experience.

Reading Comprehension

What does"识"mean in the idiom"老马识途"?
(a) 认识          (b) 知识

Did the officers and men know the way back home ?
(a) 认识          (b) 不认识

Who was it that found the way back home at last?
(a) 大臣           (b) 老马


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