Chinese Conversation 汉语对话 吃快餐不健康 chī kuài cān bù jiàn kāng
日期:2014-06-30 20:03  点击:351
Word on the street


A: Did you just have fast food for lunch? You should not eat this; it's really not a healthy diet.


(nǐ wǔfàn jiù chī kuàicān? zhèzhǒng dōngxī bié lǎo chī, bù jiànkāng.)


B: Nor do I want to eat it! But we are too far away from the other restaurants. I'd rather a nap during the break.

我也不想总吃啊! 但是去其他地方太远了,我还想休息一会儿呢。

(wǎ yě bùxiǎng zǒng chī a! dànshì qù qítā dìfāng tài yuǎn le, wǒ hái xiǎng xiūxi yíhuì'er ne.)


A: You can order take-out, and then just fetch it downstairs.


(nǐ kěyǐ jiào wàimài, dàoshí hòu xiàlóu ná jiù xíng le.)


B: But that's expensive.


(kěshì nàyàng yòu tàiguì le.)


03/14 07:45
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