Bilingual News 双语资讯 - 22岁湖北男子故意损毁故宫文物 遭北京警方刑拘
日期:2013-11-24 20:34  点击:300
22岁湖北男子故意损毁故宫文物 遭北京警方刑拘

人民网北京5月5日电 北京市公安局平安北京今日发布消息,5月4日11时10分,北京市公安局天安门分局故宫派出所接到故宫工作人员报警,一男子徒手击碎翊坤宫窗玻璃,致临窗陈设的一座钟表受损,该男子已被现场工作人员控制①。



词语解释 Notes to the Words:
① 控制: v. to control
② 迅速: adv. fast
③ 目前: adv. currently
④ 击碎: v. to smash
⑤ 同时: adv. meanwhile
Visitor Detained after Damage at Museum

The Palace Museum in Beijing is tightening security and installing more surveillance cameras to protect its treasures after a disgruntled visitor smashed a window at the weekend, damaging an antique clock.

The 22-year-old man from central Hubei Province, surnamed Wang, was detained after he was spotted breaking the window at Yikungong, or Palace of Earthly Honor, on Saturday morning.

Witnesses said the suspect became angry when he was prevented from taking pictures and suddenly struck the window, according to the Beijing News and Beijing Times newspapers. The clock fell from a shelf after the window was shattered.

The ornate mantle clock was made by a British craftsman in the 18th century. Its glass cover was broken and some metal parts broken or bent.

Museum official Zhao Nan said he heard glass breaking and caught Wang at the scene. Wang seemed tongue-tied when he was asked why he had broken the window and was said to have mumbled: "If I don't break the glass, the glass will beat me" and "I should have found a place where there were fewer people."

Beijing police said Wang had been detained on suspicion of deliberately destroying cultural relics. He received medical treatment for cuts to his right hand and it is believed he severed a tendon in his middle finger.

Built in 1417, Yikungong was the residence of concubines in the Forbidden City in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Today's visitors aren't allowed to enter and can only see the interior from the outside.


02/06 08:56
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