Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 剩女/剩男(shèngnǚ/shèngnán)leftover woman and man
日期:2014-07-29 21:14  点击:379

剩女/剩男 (shèngnǚ/shèngnán) woman of excess/ man of excess/leftover woman and man



“剩”指“剩下”,“剩女”指那些已经到了或过了结婚的年龄,却找不到理想归宿的女人。她们通常 是些拥有高学历、体面的工作和不错的长相的现代都市的女性。其他同龄人可能早已结婚、生子,自己却仍是单身一人,像是被剩下来的,所以称为“剩女”。同 样,那些大龄未婚男青年也可以称为“剩男”。
“剩”means to be left over, to remain. “剩女”refers to a lady who has reached or passed the age of marriage but can’t find her ideal boyfriend or husband. A“剩女” is usually well educated,with a decent job and good looking. While her peers have already married and have children, she is still single as if to be left over. In the same way,we can call those elder unmarried man“剩男”.



1、 Xiǎo Wáng shàngzhōu jiéhūn le, chénggōng de tuōlí le shèngnǚ de duìwu.
Xiao Wang married last week and has successfully broken away from the team of leftover women.


2、Xiànzài de shèhuì, shèngnán shèngnǚ yuèláiyuè duō le.
In the modern society, there are more and more leftover men and women.


02/23 13:11
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