A: 先生,有茄子吗?
Xiān shēng, yŏu qiézi ma?
Do you have eggplants here, sir?
B: 有,这些都是。你要哪种?
Yŏu, zhè xiē dōu shì. Nĭ yào nă zhŏng?
Yes, all those are (eggplants). What kind do you want?
A: 这种茄子多少钱一斤?
Zhè zhŏng qiézi duōshao qián yì jīn?
How much for this kind?
B: 两块五一斤。
Liăng kuài wŭ yì jīn.
2.5 Yuan for one catty.
A: 我要一斤。
Wŏ yào yì jīn.
I'll take one catty.
Demonstrative pronouns: 这(zhè) This & 那(nà) That
When the demonstrative pronoun 这(zhè) This & 那(nà) That functions as an attributive, the noun it qualifies also takes a measure word before it.
这种茄子 this kind of eggplant
这个月 this month
那位老师 that teacher
Xiān shēng, yŏu qiézi ma?
Do you have eggplants here, sir?
B: 有,这些都是。你要哪种?
Yŏu, zhè xiē dōu shì. Nĭ yào nă zhŏng?
Yes, all those are (eggplants). What kind do you want?
A: 这种茄子多少钱一斤?
Zhè zhŏng qiézi duōshao qián yì jīn?
How much for this kind?
B: 两块五一斤。
Liăng kuài wŭ yì jīn.
2.5 Yuan for one catty.
A: 我要一斤。
Wŏ yào yì jīn.
I'll take one catty.
Demonstrative pronouns: 这(zhè) This & 那(nà) That
When the demonstrative pronoun 这(zhè) This & 那(nà) That functions as an attributive, the noun it qualifies also takes a measure word before it.