chinese reading - A Farewell To Meng Haoran On His Way
日期:2014-08-31 20:49  点击:367

俗话说:“ 天下无不散之筵席(tiānxiàwúbùsànzhī yánxí)”,人们终究要分离的。对于这不可避免的分离,是悲悲戚戚还是豁达以待?是只恨离别苦还是期待相聚甜?让我们看看那些大师们的想法吧。
As the saying goes: "There's no feast which could go on and on", people will eventually be separated. How do we think about the inevitable separation?  Being so sad or open-minded ? Hating the  bitter of separation or expecting the sweetness of together again?  Let's have a look at the ideas of those masters.


Sònɡ Mènɡ Hàorán zhī Guǎnɡlínɡ


Lǐ Bái 


Gùrén xī cí Huánɡhèlóu,


Yānhuā sānyuè xià Yánɡzhōu。


Gūfān yuǎnyǐnɡ bìkōnɡ jìn,


Wéi jiàn Chánɡjiānɡ tiānjì liú。


A Farewell To Meng Haoran On His Way To Yang Zhou

Li Bai

You have left me behind, old friend, at the Yellow Crane Terrace,

On your way to visit Yangzhou in the misty month of flowers.

Your sail, a single shadow, becomes one with the blue sky,

Till now I see only the river, on its way to heaven.


(1)黄鹤楼:(Huánɡhèlóu), 中国著名的名胜古迹,故址在今湖北武汉市武昌蛇山的黄鹄矶上。孟浩然:李白的好朋友。

(2)之:(zhī),means arrive at.广陵:即扬州。

(3)故人:(ɡùrén),means friends for many years,here refers specifically to Meng Haoran。辞:(cí), means to say good-bye。

(4)烟花:(yānhuā), describes the scenery of spring wher catkins like smoke, and flowers like silk。下:(xià),means go south along the river。

(5)碧空尽:(bìkōnɡ jìn), means disappear in the blue sky。尽:means  disappear。

(6)唯见:(wéi jiàn), means only see。天际流:(tiān jì liú), means flow to the horizon。   




03/04 04:30
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