chinese reading - Lucky to Be Sad 只愿情永在
日期:2014-08-31 20:58  点击:547
We sat, as always, front and center, four rows from the stage so we could have that all-important perfect view of our son performing. And, of course, so I could get ideal photos of the concert.
xiànɡ wǎnɡchánɡ yìbān ,wǒmen zuò zài qián pái kào zhōnɡjiān de zuòwèi shànɡ ,hé wǔtái ɡé zhe sì pái zuòwèi ,zhèyànɡ wǒmen jiù nénɡ wánměi bǔzhuō dào érzi biǎoyǎn shí suǒyǒu de zhònɡdiǎn .dānɡrán ,wǒ yīncǐ yě nénɡ pāi dào zhè chǎnɡ yīnyuèhuì de lǐxiǎnɡ zhàopiàn .


It was late May. My wife and I sat there feeling rather sentimental, thinking the same things but sitting quietly, keeping thoughts to ourselves. This was our youngest’s last high school concert—and to our sad 1)disbelief it was also ours.
dānɡshí zhènɡ zhí wǔyuè mò ,wǒ hé qīzǐ zuò zài nàér ,ɡǎnjué hěn shānɡɡǎn .wǒmen xiǎnɡ zhe tónɡyànɡ de dōnɡxi ,què dōu ānjìnɡ de zuò zhe ànzìsīcǔn .zhè shì wǒmen xiǎo érzi niàn ɡāozhōnɡ de zuìhòu yì chǎnɡ yīnyuèhuì ……wǒmen bú jìn shānɡɡǎn ,zhēn nányǐzhìxìn ,zhè yě shì wǒmen zuìhòu yí cì cān yǔ háizi zài xuéxiào de huìbào biǎoyǎn le .


wher had the time gone? Just yesterday, he’d been sitting next to us, watching first his sister, then his older brother perform in some music or sporting event. Now we were watching our youngest, a senior in high school, nearing graduation.
shíjiān dōu liū dào nǎér qù le ?jiù zài zuótiān ,tā yìzhí āi zhe wǒmen zuò ,xiān shì kàn tā jiějie ,ér hòu shì kàn tā ɡēɡē cānjiā yīnyuè yǎnchū huò shì yùndònɡ sàishì .xiànzài ,wǒmen kàn zhe zuì xiǎo de háizi ,yǐjīnɡ zài niàn ɡāosān ,línjìn bìyè le .


 High School has a wonderful ritual each year: to conclude the annual spring concert by honoring the graduating seniors, calling them each to the stage with a few words about their experience and wher they are each heading off to next. College! My wife and I sat there quietly; proud, beaming, but misty-eyed.
Mamaroneck ɡāozhōnɡ měi nián dōu huì yǒu zhè me ɡè jíhǎo de yíshì ɡuànlì :zài niándù chūnjì yīnyuèhuì de zuìhòu xiànɡ ɡāosān bìyshēnɡ zhìjìnɡ ,rànɡ tāmen zhúyī shànɡtái jiǎndān jiǎnɡjiǎnɡ tǐhuì hé wèilái mùbiāo .dàxué !wǒ hé qīzǐ jìnɡjìnɡ de zuò zài nàér ,ɡǎndào zìháo 、xīnxǐ ,què lèiyǎnménɡlónɡ .


We were sad.
wǒ mén ɡǎndào bēishānɡ .


As we walked out of the 3)auditorium looking for our son, we saw him standing with his closest friends, arm in arm, posing for the parent photos. He came over to us; we hugged as we always do after a concert, telling him how proud we were, how awesome he was. But we noticed that he was having a bit of a tough time. He had tears in his eyes.
dānɡ wǒmen zǒu chū lǐtánɡ xúnzhǎo wǒmen de érzi shí ,wǒmen kànjiàn tā hé tā de mìyǒu wǎn zhe shǒu zhàn zài yìqǐ ,zhènɡérbājīnɡ de zài hézhào .tā xiànɡ wǒmen zǒu lái .wǒmen yìrúwǎnɡchánɡ de zài yīnyuèhuì jiéshù hòu ,xíɡuànxìnɡ de yōnɡbào le yí xià ,ránhòu wǒmen ɡàosù tā ,wǒmen ɡǎndào duōme zìháo ,tā shì duōme de bànɡ .dàn wǒmen zhùyì dào ,tā dānɡshí ɡǎndào yǒu diǎn nánshòu ,yǎnlǐ hán zhe lèishuǐ .


We asked if he was OK. He looked at us, holding back tears, and said, “I just can’t believe it’s over. It’s really sad.”
wǒmen wèn tā shìfǒu hái hǎo .tā yìzhì zhù lèishuǐ kàn zhe wǒmen ,shuō dào :"wǒ zhǐshì wúfǎ xiānɡxìn ɡāozhōnɡ shēnɡhuó jiù zhèyànɡ  jiéshù le .zhēn rànɡ rén nánɡuò ."


03/04 08:39
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