Bilingual News 双语资讯 - 北京一女大学生赴港旅游 旅馆内遭印度男子强奸
日期:2013-11-28 22:06  点击:292

北京一女大学生赴港旅游 旅馆内遭印度男子强奸


词语解释 Notes to the Words:
强奸: v. to rape
熟悉: adj. famliar
关键: adj. key
公共: adj. public
求助: v. to ask for help

HK Rape Suspect Arrested in 5 Hours

A rape suspect in Hong Kong has been caught within 5 hours of his crime.

The 26 year Indian man is accused of sexually assaulting a university student from Beijing early yesterday morning in a Hong Kong hotel.

The suspect has been living in Hong Kong for many years working as a delivery man.

He rents an apartment in the same building where the victim was attacked.

Police identified him using closed-circuit TV.

The victim is 21 and traveling in Hong Kong with another student. They stayed in a small room in Chungking Mansions with no private bathroom.

The incident happened around midnight inside the victim's room while her companion was using the bathroom.

It's suspected the door to the room was not locked when the suspect forced his way into the room.

The suspect made his escape before the victim's companion returned and called the police.


09/22 06:48
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