chinese reading - Talking about the designer and the pattern cutter
日期:2014-08-31 21:11  点击:289
A: How many designer do your company have?
    nǐmen ɡōnɡsī yǒu duōshǎo shèjìshī ?
B: only two, but experienced.
   zhǐ yǒu liǎnɡ ɡe ,dàn dōu hěn yǒu jīnɡyàn .
A: What is their work?
   tāmen de rènwù  shì shénme ?
B: selec fabric and trimmings, and develop the idea for    sample, pass on sketch to pattern cutter.
   xuǎndìnɡ fǔmiànliào ,shèjì chū shèjìtú ,bǎ túzhǐ ɡěi yànɡbǎn cáijiǎnshī .
A: All your pattern cutter can read the sketch?
   nǐmen de cáijiǎnshī dōu nénɡ dú dé dǒnɡ túzhǐ mɑ ?
B: A sketch must be easy to understand, and clearly indicate the position of seams. pockets. darts. type of colllar. width of sleeve, etc.
    tzhǐ bìxū rónɡyì mínɡbɑi ,yào qīnɡchǔ de biāozhù chū pīnjiē hé fénɡhé de wèizhì ,yǐ jí dàiwèi ,lǐnɡxínɡ xiùkuān děnɡděnɡ cānshù .
  图纸必须容易明白, 要清楚地标注出拼接和缝和的位置, 以及袋位,领型袖宽等等参数.
A: So a pattern cutter can read a sketch easily, right?
   nàyànɡ  cáijiǎnshī jiù kěyǐ hěn rónɡyì de dú dǒnɡ túzhǐ le ,shìmɑ ?
B: Yes, but a pattern cutter should have enough knowledge about sketch.
   shìde ,dàn cáijiǎnshī yě bìxū yǒu zúɡòu de túzhǐ fānɡmiàn de zhīshi .
  是的, 但裁剪师也必需有足够的图纸方面的知识.
A: Great, you are a inner manager!
   zhēn lìhài ,nǐ mán zhuānyè ā !
  真厉害, 你蛮专业啊!
B: Thanks!
   xiè xie


03/04 16:23
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