chinese reading - The Pleasure of Reading读书的乐趣
日期:2014-08-31 21:48  点击:528


dúshū de lèqù
The Pleasure of Reading
lìdài de zhìhuì,jǐɡè shìjì yǐlái rénlèi yìzhí  jíyǐ wèilè de ɡùshi,suǒyǒu zhèxiē dōu kěyǐ cónɡ shūzhōnɡ fānɡbiàn éryòu piányi de huòdé。dànshì wò bìxū dǒnɡde rúhé lái lìyònɡ zhèfèn bǎozànɡ,dǒnɡde rúhé cáinénɡ shǐ tā duì wǒmén zuìwéi yǒuyì。shìjiè shànɡ zuìwéi búxìnɡ de rén,yějiùshì nàxiē cónɡwèi tǐyàn ɡuò dú hǎoshū zhī lèqù de rèn bɑ。
All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how get the most value from it. The unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discoverd how satisfying it is to read good books.
wò duì rén zuìwéi ɡǎn xìnɡqù,xǐhuān jiéshí tāmen,xǐhuān liǎojiě tāmen。wò rènshi de yìxiē fēifán zhīrén,shǒuxiān cúnzàiyú zuòzhě de xiǎnɡxiànɡ zhīzhōnɡ,ránhòu biǎoxiànzài zuòpǐn de zìlǐ-hánɡjiān,zuìhòu zài wǒde xiǎnɡxiànɡzhōnɡ chónɡxīn xiǎnxiàn。wò zài shūzhōnɡ zhǎodàole xīnde pénɡyǒu,xīnde shèhuì,háiyǒu xīnde yǔyán。
I am most interested in people, in meeting them and finding out about them. Some of the remarkable people I've met existed only in writer's imagination, then the pages of his book, and then again, in my imagination. I have found in books new friends, new society, and new words.
rúɡuǒshuō wò duì rèn ɡǎn xìnɡqù dehuà,biérén ɡǎn xìnɡqù de jiùshì shì。shūzhōnɡ de rén xínɡxínɡ-sèsè,cónɡ lìshǐ shànɡ dì-yīɡe wěirén yìzhídào kēhuàn xiǎoshuō zhōnɡ 200nián hòu de chāorén。shūzhōnɡ sān shì yě wúqí-bùyǒu,cónɡ fúěrmósī lǐ de jīnɡcǎi ànqínɡ,dào ɡèzhǒnɡ kēxué fāxiàn,zàidào rúhé rànɡ háizi dǒnɡde lǐmào。
If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who as in now. Who in books includes everybody from science-fiction superman two hundreds years in the future all the way back to the first figure in history. How covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discoveries of science and the way of teaching manners to children.


03/09 09:38
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