Kai Ko Apologizes 柯震东吸毒道歉
日期:2014-09-02 20:54  点击:415

Taiwan movie star Kai Ko made a public apology last Friday afternoon for his drug abuse after being released from detention in Beijing.

On Aug. 14, officers detained(拘留) multiple people(多人) for drug-related(有关毒品) offences, including Ko and Jaycee Chan, son(儿子) of Chinese Kungfu(功夫) star Jackie Chan. Kai Ko and the junior Chan tested positive for marijuana. Both admitted to(承认) taking the drug.
Police seized(查获) more than 100 grams(克) of marijuana from Chan's home.

A man surnamed Song(一个姓宋的人) was detained the following day(第二天) for allegedly selling the drug to(卖毒品给...) Chan.

Key Word:

道歉 dào qiàn
apologize/ make an apology/apology

  • v.apologize
    eg. 如果破坏了你看电影的兴致,我道歉
         I apologize if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled.
  • n. apology
    eg. 律师要求报纸坦诚道歉
        The lawyer is seeking an unreserved apology from the newspaper.

Extensive Word Learning

Family Members:

[(wài )céng zǔ fù] (外)曾祖父 great-grandfather
[(wài )céng zǔ mǔ] (外)曾祖母 great-grandmother
[(wài )zǔ fù] (外)祖父 grand-father
[(wài )zǔ mǔ] (外)祖母 grand-mother
[(wài )zēng sūn] (外)曾孙 great-grandson
[(wài )zēng sūn nǚ] (外)曾孙女 great-granddaughter
[yí fù] 姨夫 uncle
[shū shū] 叔叔 uncle
[gū fù] 姑父 uncle
[jiù jiù] 舅舅 uncle
[yí mǔ] 姨母 aunt
[gū gū] 姑姑 aunt
[shěn shěn] 婶婶 aunt
[jiù mā] 舅妈 aunt
[mǔ qīn]母亲 mother
[fù qīn] 父亲 father
[pó pó] 婆婆 mother-in-law
[yuè mǔ]岳母 mother-in-law
[gōng gōng]公公 father-in-law
[yuè fù] 岳父 father-in-law
[nǚ xù] 女婿 son-in-law
[xí fù] 媳妇 daughter-in-law
[qī zǐ] 妻子 wife
[zhàng fū] 丈夫 husband
[xiōng dì] 兄弟 brother
[jiě mèi] 姐妹 sister
[nǚ ér] 女儿 daughter
[ér zǐ] 儿子 son
[sūn zǐ] 孙子 grandson
[sūn nǚ] 孙女 granddaughter


09/29 01:22
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