“Laowai Suffers Being Extorted 1800 yuan After Helping Up Fallen Auntie on Street”. Today, a series of photos on the internet [see above and below] attracted widespread attention, and according to The Beijing News reporter’s investigations, the narrative presented in this series of photos is inconsistent with the truth, that the auntie had indeed been knocked over by the laowai. Eyewitnesses say the laowaiwas operating a motorcycle without a license plate and after hitting the woman, used Chinese to verbally abuse the woman.
Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.
Pinyin: é zhà
Meaning: extort under false pretences
Sentence: He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences.他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。
Pinyin: jié cāo
Meaning: high moral principle
Sentence: He is a man of high principle.他是节操高尚的人。
Pinyin: bào guāng
Meaning: exposure
Sentence: In the private sector, you have less exposure.在私营领域,你的曝光度较低。
Pinyin: è liè
Meaning: odious
Sentence:We have learned from the police that one individual netizen fabricated and spread rumours on the internetrecently, causing odious social impacts.公安部门获悉,近日,有个别网民在互联网上编造、传播谣言,造成了恶劣的社会影响。
Pinyin: wéi guān
Meaning: surround to watch
Sentence:Hundreds of residents gathered to watch the unrest and there several were reports of attacks on bystanders.数百名当地居民聚集起来围观骚乱,也有一些受到袭击。
Pinyin: zhēn xiàng
Meaning: truth
Sentence: The answers camouflaged the truth.这些回答掩盖了真相。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the outlines)
“Laowai Suffers Being Extorted 1800 yuan After Helping Up Fallen Auntie on Street”. Today, a series of photos on the internet [see above and below] attracted widespread attention, and according to The Beijing News reporter’s investigations, the narrative presented in this series of photos is inconsistent with the truth, that the auntie had indeed been knocked over by the laowai. Eyewitnesses say the laowaiwas operating a motorcycle without a license plate and after hitting the woman, used Chinese to verbally abuse the woman.
Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.
Pinyin: é zhà
Meaning: extort under false pretences
Sentence: He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences.他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。
Pinyin: jié cāo
Meaning: high moral principle
Sentence: He is a man of high principle.他是节操高尚的人。
Pinyin: bào guāng
Meaning: exposure
Sentence: In the private sector, you have less exposure.在私营领域,你的曝光度较低。
Pinyin: è liè
Meaning: odious
Sentence:We have learned from the police that one individual netizen fabricated and spread rumours on the internetrecently, causing odious social impacts.公安部门获悉,近日,有个别网民在互联网上编造、传播谣言,造成了恶劣的社会影响。
Pinyin: wéi guān
Meaning: surround to watch
Sentence:Hundreds of residents gathered to watch the unrest and there several were reports of attacks on bystanders.数百名当地居民聚集起来围观骚乱,也有一些受到袭击。
Pinyin: zhēn xiàng
Meaning: truth
Sentence: The answers camouflaged the truth.这些回答掩盖了真相。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the outlines)