Beijing has two types of “lao wai“. One type are the wai di ren that come from various parts of our motherland, numbering 8 million. The other type are the wai guo ren who come from various parts of the world, numbering about 200,000. Chinese have always been hospitable, naturally treating “lao wai” with the utmost of care and consideration. In Beijing, they enjoy “super-national treatment/status” [preferential treatment and status above those of local citizens]. The only thing is, when it comes to “wai guo ren” and “wai di ren“, although there is just one Chinese character of difference, there’s quite a bit of difference in how they are treated.
Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.
Pinyin: lǎo wài
Meaning: Laowai, foreigners
Sentence: Foreigners love to complain about china especially newcomers.老外,特别是新来的,喜欢抱怨中国。
Pinyin: gāo duān
Sentence: In hong kong, high-end real-estate prices are soaring.在香港,高端房地产价格正在飞涨。
Pinyin: tǔ biē
Sentence: I've written some hillbilly songs.我写了些土鳖的歌曲。
Pinyin: dài yù
Meaning: treatment
Sentence: Western countries agree china is still entitled to special treatment.西方国家同意:中国仍有权享受特殊待遇。
Pinyin: jiǎo nà
Meaning: pay
Sentence: Mr obama is still moaning that the rich should pay more taxes.奥巴马先生仍旧在抱怨说,富人应该缴纳更多的税额。
Pinyin: zhù cè
Meaning: register, enroll
Sentence: South korean internet users must register with their real names.韩国网络用户必须以自己的真实名字注册用户。
Pinyin: lǜ kǎ
Meaning: Green Card
Sentence:The green card entitles you to become a permanent resident.绿卡可以让你获得永久性居民资格。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the outlines)
Beijing has two types of “lao wai“. One type are the wai di ren that come from various parts of our motherland, numbering 8 million. The other type are the wai guo ren who come from various parts of the world, numbering about 200,000. Chinese have always been hospitable, naturally treating “lao wai” with the utmost of care and consideration. In Beijing, they enjoy “super-national treatment/status” [preferential treatment and status above those of local citizens]. The only thing is, when it comes to “wai guo ren” and “wai di ren“, although there is just one Chinese character of difference, there’s quite a bit of difference in how they are treated.
Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.
Pinyin: lǎo wài
Meaning: Laowai, foreigners
Sentence: Foreigners love to complain about china especially newcomers.老外,特别是新来的,喜欢抱怨中国。
Pinyin: gāo duān
Sentence: In hong kong, high-end real-estate prices are soaring.在香港,高端房地产价格正在飞涨。
Pinyin: tǔ biē
Sentence: I've written some hillbilly songs.我写了些土鳖的歌曲。
Pinyin: dài yù
Meaning: treatment
Sentence: Western countries agree china is still entitled to special treatment.西方国家同意:中国仍有权享受特殊待遇。
Pinyin: jiǎo nà
Meaning: pay
Sentence: Mr obama is still moaning that the rich should pay more taxes.奥巴马先生仍旧在抱怨说,富人应该缴纳更多的税额。
Pinyin: zhù cè
Meaning: register, enroll
Sentence: South korean internet users must register with their real names.韩国网络用户必须以自己的真实名字注册用户。
Pinyin: lǜ kǎ
Meaning: Green Card
Sentence:The green card entitles you to become a permanent resident.绿卡可以让你获得永久性居民资格。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the outlines)