【小女孩电梯里摔打婴儿 疑将其扔下25层】1岁半的男婴被婆婆误留在电梯,被电梯里的小姑娘抱起。电梯关闭后,小姑娘却把男婴摔到地上猛踢。男婴婆婆追到25楼,找不到孙子。小姑娘还拍拍老人说“阿姨不要着急!”之后,孩子被找到,浑身是血地躺在小区楼下,生命垂危。
A 1.5-year-old baby boy was accidentally left in an elevator by his Grandma Wu and picked up by a little girl in the elevator. After the elevator door closed, the little girl instead threw the baby boy on the ground, fiercely kicking it. The baby boy’s grandmother chased the elevator down to the 25th floor but could not find her grandson. The little girl even patted the elderly woman saying “Auntie, don’t worry!” Afterward, the child was found, covered in blood lying at the bottom of the residential community, close to death.
Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.
Pinyin:tōng bào
Meaning: circular; aviso
Sentence: My boss do rountine visit to every company every year to aviso company's performace, and listen to matters concerned by staffs.我老板每年都到每个公司进行常规视察,向员工通报业务情况,听员工们所关心的事情。
Pinyin: jiān kòng
Meaning: supervisory control;monitor;control ;
Sentence:Credit cards can be a tool to monitor expenses.信用卡不失为一个监控开支的工具。
Pinyin:ōu dǎ
Meaning: beat up;hit;
Sentence:A surveillance camera recorded the girl being hit repeatedly for more than ten minutes.监控录像记录下了女孩在十几分钟内遭到持续殴打的全过程。
Pinyin: zhuì luò
Sentence: An airplane falling from the sky .一架飞机从空中坠落。
Pinyin: fǎn sī
Meaning: reflect on
Sentence: The only way forward is to reflect on why you feel so distressed.前面的路只有一条:反思你为何会感到如此苦恼。
Pinyin: jiù shú
Meaning: salvation
Sentence: Salvation does not come through finance but from politics.救赎并非源自于金融层面,而是来自政治层面。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the outlines)
A 1.5-year-old baby boy was accidentally left in an elevator by his Grandma Wu and picked up by a little girl in the elevator. After the elevator door closed, the little girl instead threw the baby boy on the ground, fiercely kicking it. The baby boy’s grandmother chased the elevator down to the 25th floor but could not find her grandson. The little girl even patted the elderly woman saying “Auntie, don’t worry!” Afterward, the child was found, covered in blood lying at the bottom of the residential community, close to death.
Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.
Pinyin:tōng bào
Meaning: circular; aviso
Sentence: My boss do rountine visit to every company every year to aviso company's performace, and listen to matters concerned by staffs.我老板每年都到每个公司进行常规视察,向员工通报业务情况,听员工们所关心的事情。
Pinyin: jiān kòng
Meaning: supervisory control;monitor;control ;
Sentence:Credit cards can be a tool to monitor expenses.信用卡不失为一个监控开支的工具。
Pinyin:ōu dǎ
Meaning: beat up;hit;
Sentence:A surveillance camera recorded the girl being hit repeatedly for more than ten minutes.监控录像记录下了女孩在十几分钟内遭到持续殴打的全过程。
Pinyin: zhuì luò
Sentence: An airplane falling from the sky .一架飞机从空中坠落。
Pinyin: fǎn sī
Meaning: reflect on
Sentence: The only way forward is to reflect on why you feel so distressed.前面的路只有一条:反思你为何会感到如此苦恼。
Pinyin: jiù shú
Meaning: salvation
Sentence: Salvation does not come through finance but from politics.救赎并非源自于金融层面,而是来自政治层面。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the outlines)