日期:2014-09-13 20:34  点击:321

On november 28, LiuXingLiang ,who lived in Guangrao county, East China's Shandong Province,  was died after receiving a parcel which contained shoes his wife had ordered online. According to hospital diagnosis, Liu died of toxic chemicals in liquid methyl fluoroacetate poisoning ,the contamination occurred after another package containing the chemical leaked as workers were offloading goods from a vehicle in a YTO warehouse in Weifang, Shandong. Five delivery workers became sick within 48 hours of the incident, while two recipients were sickened after receiving parcels.

Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.



Pinyin: kuài dì

Meaning: express delivery;fast mail

Sentence:Express delivery is enabling smaller firms to run the long global supply chains favoured by big companies, helpingeveryone to save cash.快递业使得小公司也能享受以往大企业才有的全球供应链,帮助大家省钱。



Pinyin: wǎng gòu

Meaning: online/ network shopping

Sentence:Goods price is one of successful factors in the network shopping market.网购市场商品的价格优势是致使其交易成功的最重要因素之一。



Pinyin: zhòng dú

Meaning: poisoning;toxicosis

Sentence: Alcohol poisoning is the most life-threatening consequence of binge drinking. 酒精中毒是暴饮后最危害生命的。



Pinyin: bēi jù

Meaning: tragedy;tragic drama

Sentence: We've never forgotten the tragedy.我们永远不会忘记这场悲剧。



Pinyin:  yàng běn

Meaning: sample;specimen

Sentence: Most studies were cross-sectional and sample sizes varied.大多数研究是代表性研究并且样本大小各不相同。



Pinyin: xiè lòu

Meaning: leak

Sentence: Japan government confirms radiation leak at fukushima nuclear plant. 日本政府确认福岛核电站发生辐射泄漏。

 (★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 08:04
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