河南老汉造“红衣大炮”抗拆 官方称强拆不实
日期:2014-09-13 20:36  点击:355

Recently, the media said that a sixty years old man made six red cannons anti demolitions .

The old man was mad with those people who throwing bricks and other harassment to his house , so he made ​​six " red cannons " placed in front of the house , with the slogan flag .

But, the local government said that he is not the owner of the house, and his family only wants to profit from the relocation protest. The event is its self-direction.

Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.



Pinyin: guó qí

Meaning: national flag

Sentence: In school, the national flag is usually raised at a certain time every day.在学校里,通常每天定时要升国旗。



Pinyin:  dà pào


Meaning: cannon

Sentence: The cannon is fired twice a day to mark the beginning and the end of fasting.大炮一天发射两次,来指明禁食的开始和结束。



Pinyin: chāi qiān

Meaning:  demolition

Sentence: Discontent over forced demolitions and low compensation rates have been all too common.强制拆迁和补偿较少引发的不满已是司空见惯之事。



Pinyin: pò chǎn

Meaning: go bankrupt

Sentence: The company ended up going bankrupt.这个公司最终还是破产了。



Pinyin: chǎo zuò

Meaning: hype

Sentence: Hype is an essential business activities of social marketing.炒作是社会商业活动中一种必不可少的营销方式。



Pinyin: nào jù

Meaning: farce

Sentence: The project itself has been widely viewed as a total farce.这个计划本身广泛的被视作一场大闹剧。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 08:32
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