习近平排队买包子引热评 自己端托盘买单
日期:2014-09-13 20:37  点击:390

December 28 noon, netizen posted a microblog claiming that General-Secretary Xi Jinping was in line to buy steamed buns at a Beijing steamed bun shop.After the microblog was posted, the microblogs of The People’s Daily, Xinhua, CCTV, and other official media personalities all reshared/forwarded it one after another, with netizens leaping to click on “praise” ["like"] and commenting continuously.

Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.



Pinyin: bāo zi

Meaning: steamed bun

Sentence: December 28 noon, netizen posted a microblog claiming that General-Secretary Xi Jinping was in line to buy steamed buns at a Beijing steamed bun shop.12月28日中午,网友发布了一条国家主席习近平在北京一家包子铺排队购买包子的微博。


Pinyin:  tào cān

Meaning: set meal

Sentence: What is the most popular set meal here?请问这里最受欢迎的套餐是什么呢?



Pinyin: chāi qiān

Meaning: line up

Sentence:  At many top city hospitals, patients line up overnight for consultation tickets or are gouged by scalpers for them.在许多顶级城市医院,病人们彻夜排队为得到一张咨询票或者向黄牛倒票。



Pinyin: kǎo chá

Meaning: inspect

Sentence: The Public Utilities Commission inspects us once a year.公共事业委员会每年到我们这里考察一次。



Pinyin: wèi wèn

Meaning: condolences

Sentence:President obama offered his condolences to the families of the americans and afghans who died in the attack.奥巴马总统对此次袭击中丧生的美军及阿富汗人员家属表示慰问。



Pinyin: rè yì

Meaning: hot discussion

Sentence:The report aroused hot discussion among chinese netizens and many university teachers complain about their low incomeand plain living styles.该报告引发中国网友热议,许多大学老师纷纷抱怨他们收入低、生活拮据。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 08:33
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