张艺谋就超生道歉 是我自己做错了
日期:2014-09-13 20:37  点击:319

Film director Zhang Yimou acknowledged his mistake and apologized to the public for having three children outside of marriage, a severe violation of China's family planning policy."As a film director, it takes years of hard work to build up a reputation and influence. It requires many good works to gain people's approval," he said. "The things I have worked so hard for, the trust and expectation from the public, are ruined because of my violation of the family planning policy. I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone for my mistake.""What's wrong is wrong. I will not blame it on other people. It's a lesson I must learn myself. I would like to cooperate in every aspect with the Wuxi family planning commission for their investigation to put this scandal to an end."

Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.



Pinyin: jìhuà shēngyù

Meaning: birth control

Sentence: Birth control is a long-term policy.计划生育是一项长期政策。



Pinyin:  zhèng cè

Meaning: policy

Sentence: Monetary policy must do more. 货币政策应该发挥更大作用。



Pinyin: dào qiàn

Meaning: apologize

Sentence: I must apologize for being late.我必须为迟到这件事而道歉。



Pinyin: chuán tǒng

Meaning: tradition

Sentence: The old traditions die hard in china.老传统老习俗在中国根深蒂固。



Pinyin: fá kuǎn

Meaning: fine

Sentence: The fine increases with income. The rich can shell out millions.罚款与收入挂钩,因此富人可能为此花费上百万元。



Pinyin: diào chá

Meaning: investigation

Sentence: Her family is under investigation.她的家庭正在接受调查。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 09:01
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