Jing county authorities used diesel oil to burn the body and coffin of Cheng Zhaomu, who died on December 13 and was buried three days later, after allegedly informing the family they were required by law to cremate his remains.While officials claim they acted within the law, compulsory cremation was recently abolished according to the latest revision of Regulations on Funeral and Interment Control released on January 1, 2013, reported Anhui TV.
Pinyin: hài rén tīng wén
Meaning: appalling
Sentence: The number of casualties was appallingly high in both wars.在两次战争中的伤亡人数都多得骇人听闻。
Pinyin: tǔ zàng
Meaning: ground burial
Sentence:According to chinese law, cremation is required in most of the country. Ground burial is only allowed in a very limitednumber of areas, mostly mountainous minority villages.根据中国法律,全国多数地区都要求火化,只有很少的几个地区可以土葬,其中主要是大山深处的少数民族村落。
Pinyin: guān guǒ
Meaning: coffins
Sentence:Some of the dead are in modest, white coffins covered by a sheet with a bouquet of wilted flowers on top.部分死者放置于简朴的白色棺椁中,盖着床单,上面放着枯萎的花束。
Pinyin: huǒ zàng
Meaning: cremate
Sentence: I have a signed order to cremate the body.我接到了火葬尸体的命令。
Pinyin: chōng tū
Meaning: clash
Sentence: Chinese police opened fire in at least one clash.中国警方至少在一场冲突中开火。
Pinyin: fèi chú
Meaning: abolish
Sentence:It must abolish its requirement that foreign firms form joint ventures with chinese partners.中国政府必须废除外国企业须与国内合作伙伴组建合资公司的规定。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)
Jing county authorities used diesel oil to burn the body and coffin of Cheng Zhaomu, who died on December 13 and was buried three days later, after allegedly informing the family they were required by law to cremate his remains.While officials claim they acted within the law, compulsory cremation was recently abolished according to the latest revision of Regulations on Funeral and Interment Control released on January 1, 2013, reported Anhui TV.
Pinyin: hài rén tīng wén
Meaning: appalling
Sentence: The number of casualties was appallingly high in both wars.在两次战争中的伤亡人数都多得骇人听闻。
Pinyin: tǔ zàng
Meaning: ground burial
Sentence:According to chinese law, cremation is required in most of the country. Ground burial is only allowed in a very limitednumber of areas, mostly mountainous minority villages.根据中国法律,全国多数地区都要求火化,只有很少的几个地区可以土葬,其中主要是大山深处的少数民族村落。
Pinyin: guān guǒ
Meaning: coffins
Sentence:Some of the dead are in modest, white coffins covered by a sheet with a bouquet of wilted flowers on top.部分死者放置于简朴的白色棺椁中,盖着床单,上面放着枯萎的花束。
Pinyin: huǒ zàng
Meaning: cremate
Sentence: I have a signed order to cremate the body.我接到了火葬尸体的命令。
Pinyin: chōng tū
Meaning: clash
Sentence: Chinese police opened fire in at least one clash.中国警方至少在一场冲突中开火。
Pinyin: fèi chú
Meaning: abolish
Sentence:It must abolish its requirement that foreign firms form joint ventures with chinese partners.中国政府必须废除外国企业须与国内合作伙伴组建合资公司的规定。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)