According to information posted on the official website of the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, at 21:25 local time January 1st (editor’s note: 13:25 Beijing time January 2), a man coming out of a van parked outside the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco splashed two barrels of gasoline at the front entrance door of the consulate general and set it on fire, causing severe damage to it. The San Francisco Police Department, Fire Department, United States Bureau of State Diplomatic Security, and other departments rushed to the scene immediately to address the situation. At present, the incident is still under investigation.
Pinyin: zòng huǒ
Meaning: set on fire
Sentence: Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco Set on Fire.中国驻旧金山总领馆遭纵火。
Pinyin: diào chá
Meaning: investigae
Sentence: The police are investigating the motive for the crime.警察正在调查犯罪动机。
Pinyin: yà yì
Meaning: Asian
Sentence: The success of asian entrepreneurs in britain is a remarkable story.亚裔企业家在英国所取得的成功是一段令人瞩目的历程。
Pinyin: wēi xié
Meaning: threat
Sentence: The world economy is under threat.世界经济正面临着威胁。
Pinyin: fèn dòu
Meaning: Tibetan separatists
Sentence:China recently has witnessed a series of disasters such as a heavy sownfall at the beginning of chinese new year, asabatage of olymplic game relaying by tibetan separists, and a unprecedentally devastating natural calamity in sichuanprovince.最近,中国经历了一系列的灾难,比如说在新年之际,就遭受了严重的雪灾,藏独分子对奥运火炬传递的蓄意破坏以及四川发生的史无前例的巨大的自然灾害。
Pinyin: bǎo hù
Meaning: protect
Sentence: Wear clothing to protect exposed skin.穿上衣服能保护皮肤。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)
According to information posted on the official website of the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, at 21:25 local time January 1st (editor’s note: 13:25 Beijing time January 2), a man coming out of a van parked outside the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco splashed two barrels of gasoline at the front entrance door of the consulate general and set it on fire, causing severe damage to it. The San Francisco Police Department, Fire Department, United States Bureau of State Diplomatic Security, and other departments rushed to the scene immediately to address the situation. At present, the incident is still under investigation.
Pinyin: zòng huǒ
Meaning: set on fire
Sentence: Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco Set on Fire.中国驻旧金山总领馆遭纵火。
Pinyin: diào chá
Meaning: investigae
Sentence: The police are investigating the motive for the crime.警察正在调查犯罪动机。
Pinyin: yà yì
Meaning: Asian
Sentence: The success of asian entrepreneurs in britain is a remarkable story.亚裔企业家在英国所取得的成功是一段令人瞩目的历程。
Pinyin: wēi xié
Meaning: threat
Sentence: The world economy is under threat.世界经济正面临着威胁。
Pinyin: fèn dòu
Meaning: Tibetan separatists
Sentence:China recently has witnessed a series of disasters such as a heavy sownfall at the beginning of chinese new year, asabatage of olymplic game relaying by tibetan separists, and a unprecedentally devastating natural calamity in sichuanprovince.最近,中国经历了一系列的灾难,比如说在新年之际,就遭受了严重的雪灾,藏独分子对奥运火炬传递的蓄意破坏以及四川发生的史无前例的巨大的自然灾害。
Pinyin: bǎo hù
Meaning: protect
Sentence: Wear clothing to protect exposed skin.穿上衣服能保护皮肤。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)