2013 December 29, police from multiple jurisdictions of Guangdong launched a joint operation to raid Lufeng City Boshe Village, the province’s “No.1 Village” heavily involved in the production of drugs, eliminating 18 mega meth-cooking and distributing crime organizations headed by a Lufeng drug kingpin, arresting 182 suspects, seizing nearly 3 tons of methamphetamine and 23 tons of meth-cooking raw materials. Sources of pictures: China News Agency, Shanwei City Residents Net.
Pinyin: wéi jiǎo
Meaning: raid
Sentence: They were arrested early this morning after a raid on a house by thirty armed police.今天早上30名武装警察突击围剿了一所房子后将他们逮捕。
Pinyin: cūn zhuāng
Meaning: village
Sentence: I spent my childhood in a village in zhejiang province.我在浙江省的一个村庄里长大。
Pinyin: dú xiāo
Meaning: drug trafficker
Sentence: Colombia is still under assault from the guerrillas and other drug traffickers.哥伦比亚仍在遭受游击队和其他毒枭的攻击。
Pinyin: jié jīng
Meaning: crystallize
Sentence: The shock of the cold makes the metal sulfides crystallize.低温使得金属硫化物结晶。
Pinyin: jiǎo huò
Meaning: capture, sieze
Sentence: Nowadays the drug warriors claim to seize close to half of all the cocaine that is produced.现如今缉毒勇士们声称已经缴获可卡因生产总量的近一半。
Pinyin: zhà yào
Meaning: dynamite
Sentence: His most famous invention is dynamite.他最为人所知的发明是炸药。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)
2013 December 29, police from multiple jurisdictions of Guangdong launched a joint operation to raid Lufeng City Boshe Village, the province’s “No.1 Village” heavily involved in the production of drugs, eliminating 18 mega meth-cooking and distributing crime organizations headed by a Lufeng drug kingpin, arresting 182 suspects, seizing nearly 3 tons of methamphetamine and 23 tons of meth-cooking raw materials. Sources of pictures: China News Agency, Shanwei City Residents Net.
Pinyin: wéi jiǎo
Meaning: raid
Sentence: They were arrested early this morning after a raid on a house by thirty armed police.今天早上30名武装警察突击围剿了一所房子后将他们逮捕。
Pinyin: cūn zhuāng
Meaning: village
Sentence: I spent my childhood in a village in zhejiang province.我在浙江省的一个村庄里长大。
Pinyin: dú xiāo
Meaning: drug trafficker
Sentence: Colombia is still under assault from the guerrillas and other drug traffickers.哥伦比亚仍在遭受游击队和其他毒枭的攻击。
Pinyin: jié jīng
Meaning: crystallize
Sentence: The shock of the cold makes the metal sulfides crystallize.低温使得金属硫化物结晶。
Pinyin: jiǎo huò
Meaning: capture, sieze
Sentence: Nowadays the drug warriors claim to seize close to half of all the cocaine that is produced.现如今缉毒勇士们声称已经缴获可卡因生产总量的近一半。
Pinyin: zhà yào
Meaning: dynamite
Sentence: His most famous invention is dynamite.他最为人所知的发明是炸药。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)