中国科考船“雪龙”号人船安全 正择机脱困
日期:2014-09-13 20:40  点击:503

The icebreaker Xuelong became trapped in heavy sea ice on Friday, one day after its helicopter Xueying evacuated all 52 passengers from the stranded Russian ship Akademik Shokalskiy to the Australian icebreaker Aurora Australis. All crew and passengers are safe and making efforts to get out of trouble. The icebreaker Xuelong warmed up its engine and tried to broaden an "ice-breaking runway" on Monday, preparing for a possible westerly wind favorable for its bid for freedom.


Pinyin: xuě lóng

Meaning: Snow Dragon

Sentence: China s arctic scientists aboard the icebreaker xuelong snow dragon.中国北极科考专家搭乘雪龙号破冰船。


Pinyin: nán jí

Meaning: the South Pole

Sentence: It was 2009 and I was part of an expedition attempting to reach the south pole.此时正是2009年,我参加了一支征服南极的探险队。


Pinyin: jiù yuán

Meaning: rescue

Sentence: The ship's operator dispatched a rescue vessel.该船的运营商派出了救援船只。


Pinyin: cháo xī

Meaning: tide

Sentence: That tide will rise, and countries will need to adapt to a lot of warming.潮汐会上涨,各国要适应气候变暖的种种改变。


Pinyin: qíng xù

Meaning: emotion

Sentence: He reveals no apparent emotion.没有流露出什么明显的情绪。


Pinyin: kē yán

Meaning: scientific research

Sentence:The latest scientific research can help dogs and their owners have happier, healthier relationships by encouraging peopleto understand dogs better.这些最新科研能促使人们更好地理解狗,使狗和主人间的关系更愉快更健康。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 12:48
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