日期:2014-09-13 20:47  点击:451

Ten airline stewardesses wearing masks wait in line with plastic containers to buy soy sauce from a local brewer on January 17 as part of a Spring Festival tradition in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. The residents are expected to buy from the first batch of locally-made Spring Festival soy sauce. But it is unclear from the report which airline the stewardesses work for or the purpose of the masks.Some of the residents are doubted that move as a publicity stunt.


Pinyin: kōng jiě

Meaning: airline stewardess

Sentence: A passenger told an airline stewardess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off.飞机刚刚起飞,一位乘客向空姐要一杯水吃药。


Pinyin: dǎ jiàng yóu

Meaning: get some soy sauce

Sentence: Its none of my business, I come to buy some soy sauce.关我什么事,我是来打酱油的。


Pinyin: miàn jù

Meaning: mask

Sentence: The mask dropped with the first post-war elections.这层面具在战后第一次选举时被摘下。


Pinyin: yì wài

Meaning: accident

Sentence: The accident would delay his arrival at the camp.这次意外会耽搁他到达营地的时间。


Pinyin: zuò xiù

Meaning: publicity stunt

Sentence: Wal-mart's critics dismiss the move as a publicity stunt.批评沃尔玛的人士驳斥这一举措纯属哗众取宠的作秀。


Pinyin: chǎo zuò

Meaning: sensationalization

Sentence: There has been news sensationalizations in practice, however, the media has not had a principle of being appropriate.虽然在实践中新闻炒作已经存在,但媒体并没有掌握一个适度的原则。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 13:05
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