90后保时捷撞上摆摊孕妇 丈夫上前阻拦被撞身亡
日期:2014-09-13 20:48  点击:430

Hangzhou police have detained the alleged unlicensed driver of a luxury SUV who ran over and killed a stall vendor who had been blocking his way in a dispute on January 17.

The 22-year-old tried to drive out of an argument with the 37-year-old vendor and his wife 11:48 pm on Baochu Lu in Xihu district of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

His Porsche Cayenne hit the 8-month pregnant wife, prompting the driver to attempt a hasty exit and the 37-year-old duck neck vendor to stand in front of the car and argue with him.

The couple was taken to Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, wher medical workers later confirmed the death. The wife was in a stable condition after treatment.


Pinyin: bǎo shí jié

Meaning: Porsche

Sentence: Porsche drivers keep their cars tactfully hidden away.驾驶保时捷的人机智地将其车藏起来。


Pinyin: zhuàng jī

Meaning: impact

Sentence: The impact would destroy earth even though our planet has about 20 times the mass of mercury.这次撞击仍旧会毁灭地球,尽管我们的星球是水星的20倍重。


Pinyin: yùn fù

Meaning: pregnant woman

Sentence: As a pregnant woman, I am extremely angry. 作为一名孕妇,我极其愤怒。


Pinyin: táo yì

Meaning: escape

Sentence: The man escaped after his Porsche Cayenne hit the 8-month pregnant wife.那个人在驾驶保时捷卡宴撞到怀孕8个月的孕妇后逃逸了。


Pinyin: bào jǐng

Meaning: call the police

Sentence: If you run into an emergency situation, call the police.如果您遇到紧急情况,请报警。


Pinyin: jū liú

Meaning: detain

Sentence: The police have detained the alleged unlicensed driver of a luxury SUV.警察已经拘留了本案的无证驾驶人员。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 15:29
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