男孩火车上卖WiFi 铁路部称违反规定
日期:2014-09-13 20:50  点击:277

A student on his way home for the holidays made 500 yuan ($82.6) in half an hour selling Wi-Fi to bored and internet-deprived passengers.Using his laptop and a 3G mobile broadband card, the 19-year-old university student surnamed Wang was able to charge fellow travelers between 10 and 20 yuan an hour to connect to his wireless hotspot. According to China railway regulations, unauthorized peddling is not permitted on trains. An expert at the China Academy of Railway Sciences explained there is no plan at this time to install on-board internet service on all trains.


Pinyin: shàng wǎng

Meaning: surf the internet

Sentence: The bedroom is for sleep, not work and surfing the internet.卧室是用来睡觉的,不是工作上网的地方。


Pinyin: bǐ jì běn

Meaning: notebook

Sentence: Does this notebook belong to you?这个笔记本是你的吗?

3. 动脑筋(★)

Pinyin: dòng nǎo jīn

Meaning: use one's head

Sentence:Use your head, and you will find a good idea.动脑筋想想,你就会想出一个好主张。


Pinyin: míng mǎ biāo jià

Meaning: mark the price clearly

Sentence: Supermarkets mark the price clearly on each of item.在超市里每件商品都是明码标价。

5. 售货员(HSK4)

Pinyin: shòu huò yuán

Meaning: salesman

Sentence: My sister is a salesgirl in this store.我的妹妹是个商店的售货员。

6. 盒饭(★)

Pinyin: hé fàn

Meaning: box lunch

Sentence: I pick up a box lunch at the railway station.我在火车站买盒饭吃了。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 15:41
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