A man in Fuzhou, Fujian Province can no longer fake it like he's made it now that police have impounded his car ornamented to resemble a Mercedes-Benz.Taijiang district police pulled over the Benz imposter for driving without plates on February 6. Upon further inspection, the car was discovered to be registered as a BYD, a budget Chinese sedan, and was later decorated with Mercedes emblems and hood ornament.
Pinyin: pái zhào
Meaning: license
Sentence: Government licenses for websites typically aren't required.政府一般不要求网站必须备案牌照。
Pinyin: zhèng jiàn
Meaning: papers
Sentence: Would you please show me your passport and papers?请让我看看您的护照和证件好吗?
3. 标志(HSK5)
Pinyin: biāo zhì
Meaning: sign
Sentence: Some of the words are misspelt on this sign.这块标志上的一些词拼错了。
Pinyin: shān zhài
Meaning: copycat
Sentence: There's a new well-conceived copycat concept in kunming that's caught our attention this week.这周在昆明有一个新的山寨货引起的我们的注意。
5. 罚款(HSK5)
Pinyin: fá kuǎn
Meaning: fine
Sentence: Breaching china's one-child policy carries a severe financial penalty.违反中国的计划生育政策会带来高额罚款。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)
A man in Fuzhou, Fujian Province can no longer fake it like he's made it now that police have impounded his car ornamented to resemble a Mercedes-Benz.Taijiang district police pulled over the Benz imposter for driving without plates on February 6. Upon further inspection, the car was discovered to be registered as a BYD, a budget Chinese sedan, and was later decorated with Mercedes emblems and hood ornament.
Pinyin: pái zhào
Meaning: license
Sentence: Government licenses for websites typically aren't required.政府一般不要求网站必须备案牌照。
Pinyin: zhèng jiàn
Meaning: papers
Sentence: Would you please show me your passport and papers?请让我看看您的护照和证件好吗?
3. 标志(HSK5)
Pinyin: biāo zhì
Meaning: sign
Sentence: Some of the words are misspelt on this sign.这块标志上的一些词拼错了。
Pinyin: shān zhài
Meaning: copycat
Sentence: There's a new well-conceived copycat concept in kunming that's caught our attention this week.这周在昆明有一个新的山寨货引起的我们的注意。
5. 罚款(HSK5)
Pinyin: fá kuǎn
Meaning: fine
Sentence: Breaching china's one-child policy carries a severe financial penalty.违反中国的计划生育政策会带来高额罚款。
(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)