日期:2014-09-13 20:56  点击:338

Russian climber Vadim Makhorov and his partner Vitaliy Raskalov, took two hours to scale the 632-meter tower without using safety equipment. Yesterday, a group of videos and photos that records their ascent to be posted online . The Shanghai Tower responded that " They enter this building through Non- normal way ", while police are also carried out to verify the relevant circumstances .


Pinyin: gōng dì

Meaning: construction site

Sentence: The road is filled with garbage from a construction site.城市的街道堆满了来自于建筑工地的垃圾。

2. 徒手(★)

Pinyin: tú shǒu

Meaning: bare-handed

Sentence: Wushu is practiced in various types of set exercises, either bare-handed or with weapons.练习武术有各种各样的固定套路,有的要徒手,有的要武器。


Pinyin: pān pá

Meaning: climbing

Sentence: Let me tell you a bit about ice climbing.让我来说点关于冰山攀爬的事。

4. 塔吊(★)

Pinyin: tǎ diào

Meaning: tower crane

Sentence: The sky is still alarmingly full of tower cranes and half-finished buildings.天空中依然满是骇人的塔吊和未完工的大楼。

5. 地标(★)

Pinyin: dì biāo

Meaning: landmark

Sentence: As china's tallest building, The Shanghai Tower will certainly be a new landmark.上海中心作为中国的最高建筑,它无疑会成为一个新地标。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 18:11
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