足浴店4小时被查5次 派出所所长登门致歉
日期:2014-09-13 21:08  点击:761

A police chief in Mianyang, Sichuan Province made an apology to the owner of a massage parlor after officers inspected her business five times in four hours on February 23.The shop owner, surnamed Deng, claimed the frequent inspections had affected her business.Chen Zhengming, the chief of police, apologized for the overlapping inspections and explained they were part of a recent crackdown on prostitution and gambling in the area.


Pinyin: zú yù

Meaning: foot massage

Sentence: The price of foot massage here is about the same in my country.这里足浴的价格和我们国家的差不多。


Pinyin: jǐng chá

Meaning: police

Sentence: My brother is a police officer.我的哥哥是一名警察。

3. 检查(HSK3)

Pinyin: jiǎn chá

Meaning: check up

Sentence: I'm going to get my annual health check up.我要去做年度健康检查。


Pinyin: chóng fù

Meaning: repeat

Sentence: Repeat the process as necessary.如果需要的话重复这个过程。


Pinyin: dào qiàn

Meaning: apologize

Sentence: I must apologize for being late.我必须为迟到这件事而道歉。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the HSK outlines)


03/04 18:37
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