The women witness started to recall the horrific killing and robbery that had happened on her way to meet her client…
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 2
“我的车前面是一辆红色桑塔纳, 我跟车开了一段后它突然减速。我忙踩刹车。同时听见前面有撞车的声音。是桑塔纳追尾了, 它前面那辆被撞的商务车也停了下来。奇怪的是, 在桑塔纳的右道, 一辆白色轿车也同时停了下来. 本来就只有两条道, 这样交通就堵死了。
我停住车, 刚想下车看看, 抬头看见商务车上下来一个男的, 同时从白车里也下来一个男的。商务车的人指挥白车的人绕到桑塔纳驾驶员这边, 然后两人分别从衣服里掏出手枪, 拉开桑塔纳车的车门, 先后往车里开了几枪。我被吓到, 没敢下车, 低下头, 按电动钮把车窗拉起, 把车门反锁. 枪声停后, 我害怕他们过来找麻烦, 又壮着胆把头抬起来察看。这时, 那两个开枪的人已从桑塔纳车上拖出一个黑色的旅行包, 看起来很沉的样子。然后他们把包扔进白车, 一起开车跑掉了。”
做笔录的男人是刑警队长刘明天. 对于本市一个月来发生的第二起枪案, 他已感受到了来自多方的压力。桑塔纳车上的司机和乘客, 当时正带了大笔追来的欠款往回赶,准备回公司清点后交给财务。不料路遇劫匪,双双毙命。
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
追尾 zhui1 wei3 to hit the car ahead as a result of tailgating
商务车 商務車 shang1 wu4 che1 van
壮着胆 壯著膽 zhuang4 zhe1 dan3 boost one’s courage
刑警队长 刑警隊長 xing2 jing3 dui4 zhang3 chief inspector
不料 bu4 liao4 unexpectedly; to one’s surprise;
劫匪 jie2 fei3 robber
毙命 斃命 bi4 ming4 to get killed
zuì’è yǒu hén 2
“ wǒ de chē qiánmiàn shì yī liàng hóngsè Sāngtǎnà, wǒ gēn chē kāi le yī duàn hòu tā tūrán jiǎnsù。 wǒ máng cǎi chà chē。 tóngshí tīngjiàn qiánmiàn yǒu zhuàngchē de shēngyīn。 shì Sāngtǎnà zhuīwěi le, tā qiánmiàn nà liàng bèi zhuàng de shāngwù chē yě tíng le xiàlai。 qíguài de shì, zài Sāngtǎnà de yòu dào, yī liàng báisè jiàochē yě tóngshí tíng le xiàlai. běnlái jiù zhǐyǒu liǎng tiáo dào, zhèyàng jiāotōng jiù dǔsǐ le。
wǒ tíngzhù chē, gāng xiǎng xiàchē kànkan, táitóu kànjiàn shāngwù chē shàng xiàlai yī gè nán de, tóngshí cóng báichē lǐ yě xiàlai yī gè nán de。 shāngwù chē de rén zhǐhuī báichē de rén rào dào Sāngtǎnà jiàshǐyuán zhèbiān, ránhòu liǎng rén fēnbié cóng yīfu lǐ tāochū shǒuqiāng, lākāi Sāngtǎnà chē de chēmén, xiānhòu wǎng chē lǐ kāi le jǐ qiāng。 wǒ bèi xià dào, méi gǎn xiàchē, dīxià tóu, àn diàndòng niǔ bǎ chēchuāng lā qǐ, bǎ chēmén fǎnsuǒ. qiāngshēng tíng hòu, wǒ hàipà tāmen guòlái zhǎomáfan, yòu zhuàng zhe dǎn bǎtóu tái qilai chákàn。 zhèshí, nà liǎng gè kāiqiāng de rén yǐ cóng Sāngtǎnà chē shàng tuō chū yī gè hēisè de lǚxíng bāo, kànqǐlái hěn chén de yàngzi。 ránhòu tāmen bǎ bāo rēng jìn báichē, yīqǐ kāichē pǎodiào le。”
zuò bǐlù de nánrén shì xíngjǐng duìzhǎng Liú míngtiān. duìyú běnshì yī gè yuè lái fāshēng de dì’èr qǐ qiāng àn, tā yǐ gǎnshòu dàoliǎo láizì duōfāng de yālì。 Sāngtǎnà chē shàng de sījī hé chéngkè, dāngshí zhèng dài le dà bǐ zhuī lái de qiànkuǎn wǎng huí gǎn, zhǔn bèi huí gōngsī qīngdiǎn hòu jiāogěi cáiwù。 bùliào lù yù jiéfěi, shuāng shuāng bìmìng。
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 2
“我的車前面是一輛紅色桑塔納, 我跟車開了一段後它突然減速。我忙踩刹車。同時聽見前面有撞車的聲音。是桑塔納追尾了, 它前面那輛被撞的商務車也停了下來。奇怪的是, 在桑塔納的右道, 一輛白色轎車也同時停了下來. 本來就只有兩條道, 這樣交通就堵死了。
我停住車, 剛想下車看看, 抬頭看見商務車上下來一個男的, 同時從白車裏也下來一個男的。商務車的人指揮白車的人繞到桑塔納駕駛員這邊, 然後兩人分別從衣服裏掏出手槍, 拉開桑塔納車的車門, 先後往車裏開了幾槍。我被嚇到, 沒敢下車, 低下頭, 按電動鈕把車窗拉起, 把車門反鎖. 槍聲停後, 我害怕他們過來找麻煩, 又壯著膽把頭抬起來察看。這時, 那兩個開槍的人已從桑塔納車上拖出一個黑色的旅行包, 看起來很沉的樣子。然後他們把包扔進白車, 一起開車跑掉了。”
做筆錄的男人是刑警隊長劉明天. 對於本市一個月來發生的第二起槍案, 他已感受到了來自多方的壓力。桑塔納車上的司機和乘客, 當時正帶了大筆追來的欠款往回趕,准備回公司清點後交給財務。不料路遇劫匪,雙雙斃命。
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 2
“The car ahead of my car was a red Santana. I drove following it. But all of a sudden it slowed down. Then I had to step on my brake. At that moment, I also heard a big bang due to car crash. It was the Santana that drove into the backend of a van. The van also stopped. It was very strange that a white car travelling on the right lane of the Santana stopped too. After that, the traffic was totally jammed since there were only two lanes on that road.
I stopped my car, was about to step out and have a check when I saw a man got off the van. The man in the white car got out of his car too. The van man signalled the white car man to turn around and come to the driver’s side of the Santana. Each of them took out a pistol. They opened the door of the Santana, and fired a few shots to the inside of the car. I was terrified, scared of getting out of my car by that time. I lowered my head and pressed the electric buttons to slide up my windows and locked my doors. When the gunshots stopped, I was afraid that they might approach me next. So I bravely raised my head and peeked outside. By then, the two robbers had dragged out a big travel bag that seemingly very heavy. They threw it into the white car and drove away swiftly.”
The man taking the notes down was chief inspector Liu Mingtian. With the second local gun-related case in hand in one month, he could feel the pressure from everywher. The driver and passenger in the doomed Santana were driving back with a big load of cash paid by their debtors, and were going to bring it back to their company. Unfortunately they encountered robbers and were both killed instantly.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 2
“我的车前面是一辆红色桑塔纳, 我跟车开了一段后它突然减速。我忙踩刹车。同时听见前面有撞车的声音。是桑塔纳追尾了, 它前面那辆被撞的商务车也停了下来。奇怪的是, 在桑塔纳的右道, 一辆白色轿车也同时停了下来. 本来就只有两条道, 这样交通就堵死了。
我停住车, 刚想下车看看, 抬头看见商务车上下来一个男的, 同时从白车里也下来一个男的。商务车的人指挥白车的人绕到桑塔纳驾驶员这边, 然后两人分别从衣服里掏出手枪, 拉开桑塔纳车的车门, 先后往车里开了几枪。我被吓到, 没敢下车, 低下头, 按电动钮把车窗拉起, 把车门反锁. 枪声停后, 我害怕他们过来找麻烦, 又壮着胆把头抬起来察看。这时, 那两个开枪的人已从桑塔纳车上拖出一个黑色的旅行包, 看起来很沉的样子。然后他们把包扔进白车, 一起开车跑掉了。”
做笔录的男人是刑警队长刘明天. 对于本市一个月来发生的第二起枪案, 他已感受到了来自多方的压力。桑塔纳车上的司机和乘客, 当时正带了大笔追来的欠款往回赶,准备回公司清点后交给财务。不料路遇劫匪,双双毙命。
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
追尾 zhui1 wei3 to hit the car ahead as a result of tailgating
商务车 商務車 shang1 wu4 che1 van
壮着胆 壯著膽 zhuang4 zhe1 dan3 boost one’s courage
刑警队长 刑警隊長 xing2 jing3 dui4 zhang3 chief inspector
不料 bu4 liao4 unexpectedly; to one’s surprise;
劫匪 jie2 fei3 robber
毙命 斃命 bi4 ming4 to get killed
zuì’è yǒu hén 2
“ wǒ de chē qiánmiàn shì yī liàng hóngsè Sāngtǎnà, wǒ gēn chē kāi le yī duàn hòu tā tūrán jiǎnsù。 wǒ máng cǎi chà chē。 tóngshí tīngjiàn qiánmiàn yǒu zhuàngchē de shēngyīn。 shì Sāngtǎnà zhuīwěi le, tā qiánmiàn nà liàng bèi zhuàng de shāngwù chē yě tíng le xiàlai。 qíguài de shì, zài Sāngtǎnà de yòu dào, yī liàng báisè jiàochē yě tóngshí tíng le xiàlai. běnlái jiù zhǐyǒu liǎng tiáo dào, zhèyàng jiāotōng jiù dǔsǐ le。
wǒ tíngzhù chē, gāng xiǎng xiàchē kànkan, táitóu kànjiàn shāngwù chē shàng xiàlai yī gè nán de, tóngshí cóng báichē lǐ yě xiàlai yī gè nán de。 shāngwù chē de rén zhǐhuī báichē de rén rào dào Sāngtǎnà jiàshǐyuán zhèbiān, ránhòu liǎng rén fēnbié cóng yīfu lǐ tāochū shǒuqiāng, lākāi Sāngtǎnà chē de chēmén, xiānhòu wǎng chē lǐ kāi le jǐ qiāng。 wǒ bèi xià dào, méi gǎn xiàchē, dīxià tóu, àn diàndòng niǔ bǎ chēchuāng lā qǐ, bǎ chēmén fǎnsuǒ. qiāngshēng tíng hòu, wǒ hàipà tāmen guòlái zhǎomáfan, yòu zhuàng zhe dǎn bǎtóu tái qilai chákàn。 zhèshí, nà liǎng gè kāiqiāng de rén yǐ cóng Sāngtǎnà chē shàng tuō chū yī gè hēisè de lǚxíng bāo, kànqǐlái hěn chén de yàngzi。 ránhòu tāmen bǎ bāo rēng jìn báichē, yīqǐ kāichē pǎodiào le。”
zuò bǐlù de nánrén shì xíngjǐng duìzhǎng Liú míngtiān. duìyú běnshì yī gè yuè lái fāshēng de dì’èr qǐ qiāng àn, tā yǐ gǎnshòu dàoliǎo láizì duōfāng de yālì。 Sāngtǎnà chē shàng de sījī hé chéngkè, dāngshí zhèng dài le dà bǐ zhuī lái de qiànkuǎn wǎng huí gǎn, zhǔn bèi huí gōngsī qīngdiǎn hòu jiāogěi cáiwù。 bùliào lù yù jiéfěi, shuāng shuāng bìmìng。
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 2
“我的車前面是一輛紅色桑塔納, 我跟車開了一段後它突然減速。我忙踩刹車。同時聽見前面有撞車的聲音。是桑塔納追尾了, 它前面那輛被撞的商務車也停了下來。奇怪的是, 在桑塔納的右道, 一輛白色轎車也同時停了下來. 本來就只有兩條道, 這樣交通就堵死了。
我停住車, 剛想下車看看, 抬頭看見商務車上下來一個男的, 同時從白車裏也下來一個男的。商務車的人指揮白車的人繞到桑塔納駕駛員這邊, 然後兩人分別從衣服裏掏出手槍, 拉開桑塔納車的車門, 先後往車裏開了幾槍。我被嚇到, 沒敢下車, 低下頭, 按電動鈕把車窗拉起, 把車門反鎖. 槍聲停後, 我害怕他們過來找麻煩, 又壯著膽把頭抬起來察看。這時, 那兩個開槍的人已從桑塔納車上拖出一個黑色的旅行包, 看起來很沉的樣子。然後他們把包扔進白車, 一起開車跑掉了。”
做筆錄的男人是刑警隊長劉明天. 對於本市一個月來發生的第二起槍案, 他已感受到了來自多方的壓力。桑塔納車上的司機和乘客, 當時正帶了大筆追來的欠款往回趕,准備回公司清點後交給財務。不料路遇劫匪,雙雙斃命。
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 2
“The car ahead of my car was a red Santana. I drove following it. But all of a sudden it slowed down. Then I had to step on my brake. At that moment, I also heard a big bang due to car crash. It was the Santana that drove into the backend of a van. The van also stopped. It was very strange that a white car travelling on the right lane of the Santana stopped too. After that, the traffic was totally jammed since there were only two lanes on that road.
I stopped my car, was about to step out and have a check when I saw a man got off the van. The man in the white car got out of his car too. The van man signalled the white car man to turn around and come to the driver’s side of the Santana. Each of them took out a pistol. They opened the door of the Santana, and fired a few shots to the inside of the car. I was terrified, scared of getting out of my car by that time. I lowered my head and pressed the electric buttons to slide up my windows and locked my doors. When the gunshots stopped, I was afraid that they might approach me next. So I bravely raised my head and peeked outside. By then, the two robbers had dragged out a big travel bag that seemingly very heavy. They threw it into the white car and drove away swiftly.”
The man taking the notes down was chief inspector Liu Mingtian. With the second local gun-related case in hand in one month, he could feel the pressure from everywher. The driver and passenger in the doomed Santana were driving back with a big load of cash paid by their debtors, and were going to bring it back to their company. Unfortunately they encountered robbers and were both killed instantly.