Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 3 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 20:42  点击:591
Chief inspector Liu Mingtian introduced the women witness to police composite artist Zeng to construct the facial composites of the two suspects …

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 3


“开枪的那两个人, 你看得清楚吗?” 刘明天问。

“指挥的那个很清楚, 白车里的那个不太清楚。他带着帽子, 而且行动很快。”

“没关系, 慢慢来, 请尽量回忆. “说到这, 刘明天站了起来, 指了指坐在一幅画架旁的微胖的中年男子, “这位是我们这儿出名的画师, 老曾. 你把开枪人的模样详细描述给他听, 他就能照你说的画出来.”

女人看向”画师”老曾. 她一脸疑惑. 从没听说公安局里也有画师. 不过她想, 自己记忆里的形象要是能用笔墨生动地勾画出来, 那真是一件绝妙的事情!

老曾面善, 不象刘明天看起来严肃. 女人稍稍松了口气, 端起桌上的可乐拉罐, 痛快地喝了一大口.

“那我们先从指挥抢劫的那个开始吧 … ” 老曾扶了扶眼镜, 拿起一只素描笔, 开始用一问一答的方式, 引导女人一点一滴地回忆抢劫犯的身高, 长相, 肢体语言和穿着.

女人记不清和老曾聊了多长时间, 两个小时? 三个小时? 她只觉得画师平易近人, 兴趣广泛, 既谈案情, 也谈一些和案情无关的话题. 不知不觉中, 画师已经把两个嫌犯的画像都画完了.

“我现在给你同时看四幅画像, 你看你能不能一眼认出指挥抢劫的那个家伙.” 老曾推了推鼻梁上的眼镜, 眼带笑意地对女人说.

女人心里七上八下的, 已经放松了的心情又紧张了起来. 凭我那些支离破碎的描述, 老曾会画出一幅什么样的图画呢?

四幅黑白画像被同时翻了过来. 女人刚用眼浏览了一遍, 就惊恐地捂住嘴. 画像中有这么一张脸, 只看了一眼就让女人倒吸了一口凉气. 空气里也突然凭添了一种杀气.

“砰! 砰!” – 枪声在女人的耳际回旋.

“就是他!” 女人颤抖地伸出手, 指了指其中的一幅画像.


[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
指挥     指揮     zhi3 hui1     to command
画师     畫師     hua4 shi1     drawing artist
模样     模樣     mu2 yang4     look; appearance
疑惑         yi2 huo4     to doubt
公安局      公安侷     gong1 an1 ju2     police station; police bureau
笔墨     筆墨     bi3 mo4     pen and ink
勾画     勾畫     gou1 hua4     blueprinted; to sketch
绝妙     絕妙     jue2 miao4     exquisite
素描         su4 miao2     sketch
平易近人         ping2 yi4 jin4 ren2     amiable (manner)
案情         an4 qing2     details of a case
画像     畫像     hua4 xiang4     portrait
支离破碎     支離破碎     zhi1 li2 po4 sui4     fragmented
杀气     殺氣     sha1 qi4     murderous spirit

 zuì’è yǒu hén 3


“ kāiqiāng de nà liǎng gèrén, nǐ kàn dé qīngchu ma?” Liú míngtiān wèn。

“ zhǐhuī de nàge hěn qīngchu, báichē lǐ de nàge bù tài qīngchu。 tā dài zhe màozi, érqiě xíngdòng hěn kuài。”

“ méi guānxi, mànmàn lái, qǐng jìnliàng huíyì. “ shuō dào zhè, Liú míngtiān zhàn le qilai, zhǐ le zhǐ zuò zài yī fú huàjià páng de wēi pàng de zhōngnián nánzǐ, “ zhèwèi shì wǒmen zhèr chūmíng de huà shī, lǎo céng. nǐ bǎ kāiqiāng rén de múyàng xiángxì miáoshù gěi tā tīng, tā jiù néng zhào nǐ shuō de huà chūlái.”

nǚrén kàn xiàng” huà shī” lǎo céng. tā yī liǎn yíhuò. cóngméi tīngshuō gōng’ānjú lǐ yě yǒu huà shī. bùguò tā xiǎng, zìjǐ jìyì lǐ de xíngxiàng yàoshi néng yòng bǐmò shēngdòng dì gōuhuà chūlái, nà zhēnshi yī jiàn juémiào de shìqing!

lǎo céng miàn shàn, bù xiàng Liú míngtiān kànqǐlái yánsù. nǚrén shāoshāo sōng le kǒuqì, duān qǐ zhuō shàng de kělè lā guàn, tòngkuài dì hē le yī dàkǒu.

“ nà wǒmen xiān cóng zhǐhuī qiǎngjié de nàge kāishǐ ba … ” lǎo céng fú le fú yǎnjìng, náqǐ yī zhǐ sùmiáo bǐ, kāishǐ yòng yī wèn yī dá de fāngshì, yǐndǎo nǚrén yīdiǎnyīdī dì huíyì qiǎngjié fàn de shēngāo, zhǎngxiàng, zhītǐ yǔyán hé chuānzhuó.

nǚrén jì bùqīng hé lǎo céng liáo le duō cháng shíjiān, liǎng gè xiǎoshí? sān gè xiǎoshí? tā zhǐ juéde huà shī píngyìjìnrén, xìngqù guǎngfàn, jì tán ànqíng, yě tán yīxiē hé ànqíng wúguān dehuà tí. bùzhībùjué zhōng, huà shī yǐjīng bǎ liǎng gè xiánfàn de huàxiàng dōu huà wán le.

“ wǒ xiànzài gěi nǐ tóngshí kàn sì fú huàxiàng, nǐ kàn nǐ néng bùnéng yīyǎn rènchū zhǐhuī qiǎngjié de nàge jiā huǒ.” lǎo céng tuī le tuī bíliáng shàng de yǎnjìng, yǎn dài xiàoyì dì duì nǚrén shuō.

nǚrén xīn lǐ qīshàngbāxià de, yǐjīng fàngsōng le de xīnqíng yòu jǐnzhāng le qilai. píng wǒ nàxiē zhīlípòsuì de miáoshù, lǎo céng huì huà chū yī fú shénme yàng de túhuà ne?

sì fú hēibái huàxiàng bèi tóngshí fān le guòlái. nǚrén gāng yòng yǎn liúlǎn le yībiàn, jiù jīngkǒng dì wǔzhù zuǐ. huàxiàng zhōng yǒu zhème yī zhāng liǎn, zhǐ kàn le yīyǎn jiù ràng nǚrén dǎo xī le yīkǒu liáng qì. kōngqì lǐ yě tūrán píng tiān le yīzhǒng shāqì.

“ pēng! pēng!” – qiāngshēng zài nǚrén de ěr jì huíxuán.

“ jiùshì tā!” nǚrén chàndǒu dì shēnchū shǒu, zhǐ le zhǐ qízhōng de yī fú huàxiàng.


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 3


“開槍的那兩個人, 你看得清楚嗎?” 劉明天問。

“指揮的那個很清楚, 白車裏的那個不太清楚。他帶著帽子, 而且行動很快。”

“沒關系, 慢慢來, 請盡量回憶. “說到這, 劉明天站了起來, 指了指坐在一幅畫架旁的微胖的中年男子, “這位是我們這兒出名的畫師, 老曾. 你把開槍人的模樣詳細描述給他聽, 他就能照你說的畫出來.”

女人看向”畫師”老曾. 她一臉疑惑. 從沒聽說公安局裏也有畫師. 不過她想, 自己記憶裏的形象要是能用筆墨生動地勾畫出來, 那真是一件絕妙的事情!

老曾面善, 不象劉明天看起來嚴肅. 女人稍稍松了口氣, 端起桌上的可樂拉罐, 痛快地喝了一大口.

“那我們先從指揮搶劫的那個開始吧 … ” 老曾扶了扶眼鏡, 拿起一只素描筆, 開始用一問一答的方式, 引導女人一點一滴地回憶搶劫犯的身高, 長相, 肢體語言和穿著.

女人記不清和老曾聊了多長時間, 兩個小時? 叁個小時? 她只覺得畫師平易近人, 興趣廣泛, 既談案情, 也談一些和案情無關的話題. 不知不覺中, 畫師已經把兩個嫌犯的畫像都畫完了.

“我現在給你同時看四幅畫像, 你看你能不能一眼認出指揮搶劫的那個家夥.” 老曾推了推鼻梁上的眼鏡, 眼帶笑意地對女人說.

女人心裏七上八下的, 已經放松了的心情又緊張了起來. 憑我那些支離破碎的描述, 老曾會畫出一幅什麼樣的圖畫呢?

四幅黑白畫像被同時翻了過來. 女人剛用眼瀏覽了一遍, 就驚恐地捂住嘴. 畫像中有這麼一張臉, 只看了一眼就讓女人倒吸了一口涼氣. 空氣裏也突然憑添了一種殺氣.

“砰! 砰!” – 槍聲在女人的耳際回旋.

“就是他!” 女人顫抖地伸出手, 指了指其中的一幅畫像.


[English translation]

“The two gun men, did you have a good look at them? “ Asked Liu Mingtian.

“Yes for the one in charge, not much so for the one in the white car. He wore a hat and was moving around in a quick fashion.”

“No worries, take your time and try your best.” By saying that, Liu Mingtian stood up. He gestured to a plump middle aged man who was sitting beside a sketching easel. “This is our famous drawing artist, Zeng. You can describe the gun men’s looks to him, and he will draw them out for you.”

The woman looked at Mr. Zeng.  Her look was full of doubts. She had never heard of an artist working in a police station. She thought however, if the images in her memory could be vividly drawn out with pen and ink, it would be awesome!

Mr. Zeng looked friendly, not as formidable as Liu Mingtian. The woman relaxed a little and picked up the Coke can on the table and drank a big amount of coke in one gulp.

“What about we start with the one in charge …” Mr. Zeng nudged his glasses up, picked up a sketching pen, and started to exchange questions and answers. That’s his way to help her recall the robbers’ size, look, body language and clothing,  bit by bit.

The woman couldn’t remember how long she had been chatting with Mr. Zeng. Two hours? Or three hours? All she remembered was that the artist was amiable with broad interests. He chat not only about the case, but also about other unrelated topics. Without her noticing, the artist had finished his portraits.

“Now I’ll show you four portraits all together. You see if you can recognize the robber in charge right away.” Mr. Zeng pushed up his glasses and said with a smile.

The woman was unsettled. Her already relaxed mood became nervous again. based on those scattered memories of mine, what kind of portrait Mr. Zeng could make?

Four portraits in black and white were turned over at the same time. Upon one glimpse, the woman covered her mouth in horror. With only one quick peek, that one face among the portraits made her hold her breath. A murderous spirit filled up the air.

“Bang! Bang!” – The gunshots rang in her ears.

“It’s him!” She raised her hand in a shiver of fear and pointed it to one portrait among the four.


03/03 22:55
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