Crime scene specialist Qin Dong and detective Zhao Kaifeng were checking on the white Jetta. Although the car had been washed clean inside out, from certain tiny traces, they were able to picture what had happened to the car owner Mr. Qi and his mistress Cui Yan …
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 8
秦东在车旁踱起步来, “既然齐友发和情妇崔雁双双失踪, 而且失踪时开的车又出现在抢劫案中, 我们是不是可以这样推测: 齐友发下班后和崔雁开车出来, 他们可能去了郊外一个有林子的地方, 把车停了, 待在车内, 又怕被路人看见, 所以齐友发就把引擎盖支起来. 树上的鸟儿就在那段时间里在引擎上做了印记.”
“引擎盖被拉起, 挡住了齐友发和崔雁的视线, 所以他们也不会注意路人. “ 赵凯峰试着把秦东的推测讲完. “他们更不会想到, 有人竟拿着枪来打劫. 从车被发现时的状况来看, 歹徒至少开了一枪. 车被抢, 再被丢弃时里里外外都清洗得干干净净. 这说明齐友发和崔雁很可能已经被害了.”
秦东沉思着点了点头,”接下来的问题是, 抛尸地点又在哪儿呢?”
“我们还没堪验过后厢吧?”被赵凯峰一提醒, 秦东忙绕过来打开后厢.
后厢和车内一样, 干净得没有任何杂物. 赵凯峰略显失望.
秦东取下一只手套, 摸了摸后厢的垫毯, “还有点湿! 看来他们用水好好清洗过.”
说着他把垫毯拉起来, 底下露出一个备用胎. 秦东重新带上手套, 在备用胎的缝隙里摸来摸去.
“你在找什么?” 赵凯峰忍不住问. 刚被分到刑警队的他, 心里还带着一些心高气傲. 对老刑警的办案方式, 他有自己的看法. 对秦东现在的举动, 他觉得是白费时间.
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
yin4 ji4 imprint; trace
zhuang4 kuang4 state; situation
ti2 xing3 to remind
lu:e4 xian3 slightly show
dian4 tan3 pad; rug
bei4 yong4 spare
feng4 xi4 small crack
xin1 gao1 qi4 ao4 proud and arrogant
zuì’è yǒu hén 8
Qín dōng zài chē páng duó qǐbù lái, “ jìrán qí yǒu fā hé qíngfù cuī yàn shuāng shuāng shīzōng, érqiě shīzōng shí kāi de chē yòu chūxiàn zài qiǎngjié’àn zhōng, wǒmen shìbùshì kěyǐ zhèyàng tuīcè: qí yǒu fā xiàbān hòu hé cuī yàn kāichē chūlái, tāmen kěnéng qù le jiāowài yī gè yǒu línzi de dìfang, bǎ chē tíng le, dài zài chē nèi, yòu pà bèi lùrén kànjiàn, suǒyǐ qí yǒu fā jiù bǎ yǐnqíng gài zhī qilai. shù shàng de niǎor jiù zài nà duàn shíjiān lǐ zài yǐnqíng shàng zuò le yìnjì.”
“ yǐnqíng gài bèi lā qǐ, dǎngzhù le qí yǒu fā hé cuī yàn de shìxiàn, suǒyǐ tāmen yě bùhuì zhùyì lùrén. “ zhào kǎi fēng shìzhe bǎ Qín dōng de tuīcè jiǎng wán. “ tāmen gèng bùhuì xiǎngdào, yǒurén jìng ná zhe qiāng lái dǎjié. cóng chē bèi fāxiàn shí de zhuàngkuàng láikàn, dǎitú zhìshǎo kāi le yī qiāng. chē bèi qiǎng, zài bèi diūqì shí lǐlǐwàiwài dōu qīngxǐ dé gàn gānjìng jìng. zhè shuōmíng qí yǒu fā hé cuī yàn hěn kěnéng yǐjīng bèi hài le.”
Qín dōng chénsī zhe diǎn le diǎntóu,” jiēxiàlái de wèntí shì, pāo shī dìdiǎn yòu zài nǎr ne?”
“ wǒmen hái méi kān yàn guòhòu xiāng ba?” bèi zhào kǎi fēng yī tíxǐng, Qín dōng máng rào guòlái dǎkāi hòu xiāng.
hòu xiāng hé chē nèi yīyàng, gānjìng dé méiyǒu rènhé záwù. zhào kǎi fēng lüè xiǎn shīwàng.
Qín dōng qǔ xià yī zhǐ shǒutào, mō le mō hòu xiāng de diàn tǎn, “ háiyǒu diǎn shī! kànlai tāmen yòng shuǐ hǎohǎo qīngxǐ guò.”
shuō zhe tā bǎ diàn tǎn lā qilai, dǐxia lùchū yī gè bèiyòng tāi. Qín dōng chóngxīn dài shàng shǒutào, zài bèiyòng tāi de fèngxì lǐ mō lái mō qù.
“ nǐ zài zhǎo shénme?” zhào kǎi fēng rěnbuzhù wèn. gāng bèi fēn dào xíngjǐng duì de tā, xīnli hái dài zhe yīxiē xīngāoqì’ào. duì lǎo xíngjǐng de bàn’àn fāngshì, tā yǒu zìjǐ de kànfǎ. duì Qín dōng xiànzài de jǔdòng, tā juéde shì báifèi shíjiān.
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 8
秦東在車旁踱起步來, “既然齊友發和情婦崔雁雙雙失蹤, 而且失蹤時開的車又出現在搶劫案中, 我們是不是可以這樣推測: 齊友發下班後和崔雁開車出來, 他們可能去了郊外一個有林子的地方, 把車停了, 待在車內, 又怕被路人看見, 所以齊友發就把引擎蓋支起來. 樹上的鳥兒就在那段時間裏在引擎上做了印記.”
“引擎蓋被拉起, 擋住了齊友發和崔雁的視線, 所以他們也不會注意路人. “ 趙凱峰試著把秦東的推測講完. “他們更不會想到, 有人竟拿著槍來打劫. 從車被發現時的狀況來看, 歹徒至少開了一槍. 車被搶, 再被丟棄時裏裏外外都清洗得幹幹淨淨. 這說明齊友發和崔雁很可能已經被害了.”
秦東沉思著點了點頭,”接下來的問題是, 拋屍地點又在哪兒呢?”
“我們還沒堪驗過後廂吧?”被趙凱峰一提醒, 秦東忙繞過來打開後廂.
後廂和車內一樣, 幹淨得沒有任何雜物. 趙凱峰略顯失望.
秦東取下一只手套, 摸了摸後廂的墊毯, “還有點濕! 看來他們用水好好清洗過.”
說著他把墊毯拉起來, 底下露出一個備用胎. 秦東重新帶上手套, 在備用胎的縫隙裏摸來摸去.
“你在找什麼?” 趙凱峰忍不住問. 剛被分到刑警隊的他, 心裏還帶著一些心高氣傲. 對老刑警的辦案方式, 他有自己的看法. 對秦東現在的舉動, 他覺得是白費時間.
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 8
Qin Dong strolled beside the car, “Since Qi Youfa and Cui Yan were both disappeared, the car they were in also appeared again in a robbery, we could probably speculate the case like this: Qi youfa drove his car out after work with Cui Yan. They probably went to the woods in the suburb area. They parked their car and stayed in the car. Being afraid to be watched by the passersby, Qi Youfa pull up the engine over. Birds in the tree made their mark on the engine during that period.
“With the engine cover stood up, Qi Youfa and Cui Yan couldn’t see the passersby well either.” Zhao Kaifeng tried to complete Qin Dong’s speculation. “They never expected that someone could have robbed them with guns in hand. based on the condition of the car when it was found, the robbers at least had fired one shot. The car was robbed and then again got abandoned after a thorough cleanup. That means it is quite possible that Qi Youfa and Cui Yan have both been killed.
Qin Dong nodded silently,”Then the next question is, wher did they dumped the bodies?”
“We haven’t check the car trunk yet?” Reminded by Zhao Kaifeng, Qin Dong turned to the back and opened the trunk.
The trunk was as sparkly clean as the inside of the car, no single extra object was found. Zhao Kaifeng was a bit disappointed.
Qin Dong took one glove off and touched the mat in the trunk, “Still wet! I bet they did a good wash on it.”
He lifted the mat up while talking. A spare tire came to light from underneath. Qin Dong put the glove back on and reached his fingers inside the spare tire.
“What are you looking for?” Zhao Kaifeng couldn’t help but ask. A new guy in the criminal police squad, he still carried on a bit of pride and arrogance from his youth. For the methods the senior folks used in their work, he had his own opinion. He thought it was a waste of time for what Qin Dong was doing.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 8
秦东在车旁踱起步来, “既然齐友发和情妇崔雁双双失踪, 而且失踪时开的车又出现在抢劫案中, 我们是不是可以这样推测: 齐友发下班后和崔雁开车出来, 他们可能去了郊外一个有林子的地方, 把车停了, 待在车内, 又怕被路人看见, 所以齐友发就把引擎盖支起来. 树上的鸟儿就在那段时间里在引擎上做了印记.”
“引擎盖被拉起, 挡住了齐友发和崔雁的视线, 所以他们也不会注意路人. “ 赵凯峰试着把秦东的推测讲完. “他们更不会想到, 有人竟拿着枪来打劫. 从车被发现时的状况来看, 歹徒至少开了一枪. 车被抢, 再被丢弃时里里外外都清洗得干干净净. 这说明齐友发和崔雁很可能已经被害了.”
秦东沉思着点了点头,”接下来的问题是, 抛尸地点又在哪儿呢?”
“我们还没堪验过后厢吧?”被赵凯峰一提醒, 秦东忙绕过来打开后厢.
后厢和车内一样, 干净得没有任何杂物. 赵凯峰略显失望.
秦东取下一只手套, 摸了摸后厢的垫毯, “还有点湿! 看来他们用水好好清洗过.”
说着他把垫毯拉起来, 底下露出一个备用胎. 秦东重新带上手套, 在备用胎的缝隙里摸来摸去.
“你在找什么?” 赵凯峰忍不住问. 刚被分到刑警队的他, 心里还带着一些心高气傲. 对老刑警的办案方式, 他有自己的看法. 对秦东现在的举动, 他觉得是白费时间.
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
yin4 ji4 imprint; trace
zhuang4 kuang4 state; situation
ti2 xing3 to remind
lu:e4 xian3 slightly show
dian4 tan3 pad; rug
bei4 yong4 spare
feng4 xi4 small crack
xin1 gao1 qi4 ao4 proud and arrogant
zuì’è yǒu hén 8
Qín dōng zài chē páng duó qǐbù lái, “ jìrán qí yǒu fā hé qíngfù cuī yàn shuāng shuāng shīzōng, érqiě shīzōng shí kāi de chē yòu chūxiàn zài qiǎngjié’àn zhōng, wǒmen shìbùshì kěyǐ zhèyàng tuīcè: qí yǒu fā xiàbān hòu hé cuī yàn kāichē chūlái, tāmen kěnéng qù le jiāowài yī gè yǒu línzi de dìfang, bǎ chē tíng le, dài zài chē nèi, yòu pà bèi lùrén kànjiàn, suǒyǐ qí yǒu fā jiù bǎ yǐnqíng gài zhī qilai. shù shàng de niǎor jiù zài nà duàn shíjiān lǐ zài yǐnqíng shàng zuò le yìnjì.”
“ yǐnqíng gài bèi lā qǐ, dǎngzhù le qí yǒu fā hé cuī yàn de shìxiàn, suǒyǐ tāmen yě bùhuì zhùyì lùrén. “ zhào kǎi fēng shìzhe bǎ Qín dōng de tuīcè jiǎng wán. “ tāmen gèng bùhuì xiǎngdào, yǒurén jìng ná zhe qiāng lái dǎjié. cóng chē bèi fāxiàn shí de zhuàngkuàng láikàn, dǎitú zhìshǎo kāi le yī qiāng. chē bèi qiǎng, zài bèi diūqì shí lǐlǐwàiwài dōu qīngxǐ dé gàn gānjìng jìng. zhè shuōmíng qí yǒu fā hé cuī yàn hěn kěnéng yǐjīng bèi hài le.”
Qín dōng chénsī zhe diǎn le diǎntóu,” jiēxiàlái de wèntí shì, pāo shī dìdiǎn yòu zài nǎr ne?”
“ wǒmen hái méi kān yàn guòhòu xiāng ba?” bèi zhào kǎi fēng yī tíxǐng, Qín dōng máng rào guòlái dǎkāi hòu xiāng.
hòu xiāng hé chē nèi yīyàng, gānjìng dé méiyǒu rènhé záwù. zhào kǎi fēng lüè xiǎn shīwàng.
Qín dōng qǔ xià yī zhǐ shǒutào, mō le mō hòu xiāng de diàn tǎn, “ háiyǒu diǎn shī! kànlai tāmen yòng shuǐ hǎohǎo qīngxǐ guò.”
shuō zhe tā bǎ diàn tǎn lā qilai, dǐxia lùchū yī gè bèiyòng tāi. Qín dōng chóngxīn dài shàng shǒutào, zài bèiyòng tāi de fèngxì lǐ mō lái mō qù.
“ nǐ zài zhǎo shénme?” zhào kǎi fēng rěnbuzhù wèn. gāng bèi fēn dào xíngjǐng duì de tā, xīnli hái dài zhe yīxiē xīngāoqì’ào. duì lǎo xíngjǐng de bàn’àn fāngshì, tā yǒu zìjǐ de kànfǎ. duì Qín dōng xiànzài de jǔdòng, tā juéde shì báifèi shíjiān.
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 8
秦東在車旁踱起步來, “既然齊友發和情婦崔雁雙雙失蹤, 而且失蹤時開的車又出現在搶劫案中, 我們是不是可以這樣推測: 齊友發下班後和崔雁開車出來, 他們可能去了郊外一個有林子的地方, 把車停了, 待在車內, 又怕被路人看見, 所以齊友發就把引擎蓋支起來. 樹上的鳥兒就在那段時間裏在引擎上做了印記.”
“引擎蓋被拉起, 擋住了齊友發和崔雁的視線, 所以他們也不會注意路人. “ 趙凱峰試著把秦東的推測講完. “他們更不會想到, 有人竟拿著槍來打劫. 從車被發現時的狀況來看, 歹徒至少開了一槍. 車被搶, 再被丟棄時裏裏外外都清洗得幹幹淨淨. 這說明齊友發和崔雁很可能已經被害了.”
秦東沉思著點了點頭,”接下來的問題是, 拋屍地點又在哪兒呢?”
“我們還沒堪驗過後廂吧?”被趙凱峰一提醒, 秦東忙繞過來打開後廂.
後廂和車內一樣, 幹淨得沒有任何雜物. 趙凱峰略顯失望.
秦東取下一只手套, 摸了摸後廂的墊毯, “還有點濕! 看來他們用水好好清洗過.”
說著他把墊毯拉起來, 底下露出一個備用胎. 秦東重新帶上手套, 在備用胎的縫隙裏摸來摸去.
“你在找什麼?” 趙凱峰忍不住問. 剛被分到刑警隊的他, 心裏還帶著一些心高氣傲. 對老刑警的辦案方式, 他有自己的看法. 對秦東現在的舉動, 他覺得是白費時間.
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 8
Qin Dong strolled beside the car, “Since Qi Youfa and Cui Yan were both disappeared, the car they were in also appeared again in a robbery, we could probably speculate the case like this: Qi youfa drove his car out after work with Cui Yan. They probably went to the woods in the suburb area. They parked their car and stayed in the car. Being afraid to be watched by the passersby, Qi Youfa pull up the engine over. Birds in the tree made their mark on the engine during that period.
“With the engine cover stood up, Qi Youfa and Cui Yan couldn’t see the passersby well either.” Zhao Kaifeng tried to complete Qin Dong’s speculation. “They never expected that someone could have robbed them with guns in hand. based on the condition of the car when it was found, the robbers at least had fired one shot. The car was robbed and then again got abandoned after a thorough cleanup. That means it is quite possible that Qi Youfa and Cui Yan have both been killed.
Qin Dong nodded silently,”Then the next question is, wher did they dumped the bodies?”
“We haven’t check the car trunk yet?” Reminded by Zhao Kaifeng, Qin Dong turned to the back and opened the trunk.
The trunk was as sparkly clean as the inside of the car, no single extra object was found. Zhao Kaifeng was a bit disappointed.
Qin Dong took one glove off and touched the mat in the trunk, “Still wet! I bet they did a good wash on it.”
He lifted the mat up while talking. A spare tire came to light from underneath. Qin Dong put the glove back on and reached his fingers inside the spare tire.
“What are you looking for?” Zhao Kaifeng couldn’t help but ask. A new guy in the criminal police squad, he still carried on a bit of pride and arrogance from his youth. For the methods the senior folks used in their work, he had his own opinion. He thought it was a waste of time for what Qin Dong was doing.