The two detectives paid a visit to the only natural body of water in the city – the water reservoir. They were received by the administrator of the reservoir – Lao Wen. They were determined to find the answer to a crucial question: had any suspicious car been allowed into the reservoir for a clean-up?
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 12
开车的刘明天往左右扫了一眼,”这大门怎么修得那么深? 要是外地人来水库办事,能找得着门才怪呢!”
车子最终在水库的大门前停了下来。刘,赵两人下了车。赵凯峰走到铁栅栏门旁, 向里张望。门里除了一栋水库管理处的三层小楼,其余的都是湖水,沙滩和树林,既安静又优美。
“你说, 那辆白色捷达, 真会是在这儿被清洗的吗?”赵凯峰问。
“有人吗?” 他接着朝栅栏门里喊了一声。
“你好! 我们是公安局的,来这儿了解点情况。”说着,刘明天向老者出示了证件。老人看是公安,态度马上就积极了起来。他先自我介绍, 说是水库管理处的老闻, 然后就把他们领进接待室。接着又忙着沏茶倒水。被刘明天劝阻后, 老闻才放心地坐下来谈话。
“你们的水库总共有几道大门?” 刘明天直奔主题.
“只有两道。除了你们进来的那道, 南面还有一个门。”
“开得进来, 不过 …”
老闻犹豫起来。刘, 赵两人急了, “不过什么?”
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
zha4 lan2 fence
guan3 li3 management; administration
shui3 ti3 body of water
wu2 jing1 da2 cai3 in low spirits
ji1 ji2 active
jie1 dai4 to receive (a visitor)
you2 yu4 to hesitate
zuì’è yǒu hén 12
zhào kǎi fēng bǎ shàngshēn tàn chū chēchuāng wài, jílì xiàngqián zhāngwàng,” kuài le kuài le, wǒ yǐjīng kànjiàn dàmén le。”
kāichē de Liú míngtiān wǎng zuǒyòu sǎo le yīyǎn,” zhè dàmén zěnme xiū dé nàme shēn? yàoshi wàidìrén lái shuǐkù bànshì, néng zhǎo dézháo mén cáiguài ne!”
chēzi zuìzhōng zài shuǐkù de dàmén qián tíng le xiàlai。 Liú, zhào liǎng rén xià le chē。 zhào kǎi fēng zǒu dào tiě zhàlán mén páng, xiàng lǐ zhāngwàng。 mén lǐ chúle yī dòng shuǐkù guǎnlǐ chǔ de sān céng xiǎo lóu, qíyú de dōu shì hú shuǐ, shātān hé shùlín, jì ānjìng yòu yōuměi。
” nǐ shuō, nà liàng báisè Jiédá, zhēn huì shì zài zhèr bèi qīngxǐ de ma?” zhào kǎi fēng wèn。
” zhèzhǒng kěnéng zuì dà。 yīnwèi zhèr shì běnshì wéiyī de zìrán shuǐtǐ。 xiānjìn qù kànkan zàishuō。” Liú míngtiān dá。
” yǒurén ma?” tā jiēzhe cháo zhàlán mén lǐ hǎn le yīshēng。
” zhǎo shéi ā?” cóngxiǎo lóu lǐ zǒuchū le yī gè wújīngdǎcǎi de lǎozhě。
” nǐhǎo! wǒmen shì gōng’ānjú de, lái zhèr liǎojiě diǎn qíngkuàng。” shuō zhe, Liú míngtiān xiàng lǎozhě chūshì le zhèngjiàn。 lǎorén kàn shì gōng’ān, tàidu mǎshàng jiù jījí le qilai。 tā xiān zìwǒjièshào, shuō shì shuǐkù guǎnlǐ chǔ de lǎo wén, ránhòu jiù bǎ tāmen lǐng jìn jiēdàishì。 jiēzhe yòu mángzhe qī chá dǎo shuǐ。 bèi Liú míngtiān quànzǔ hòu, lǎo wén cái fàng xīndì zuò xiàlai tánhuà。
“ nǐmen de shuǐkù zǒng gòngyǒu jǐ dào dàmén?” Liú míngtiān zhíbèn zhǔtí.
“ zhǐyǒu liǎng dào。 chúle nǐmen jìnlái de nà dào, nánmiàn háiyǒu yī gè mén。”
“ nàge mén qìchē kāi dé jìnlái ma?”
“ kāi dé jìnlái, bùguò …”
lǎo wén yóuyù qilai。 Liú, zhào liǎng rén jí le, “ bùguò shénme?”
“ wǒmen zhè liǎng dào dàmén chángnián dōu suǒ zhe。 píngshí shàngxiàbān de rén dōu cóng zhèngmén shàng de nàge xiǎo mén jìnchū。 nánbian nà dào dàmén jīhū bùyòng。 wǒmen zhèr hěn shǎoyǒu chē lái。”
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 12
開車的劉明天往左右掃了一眼,”這大門怎麼修得那麼深? 要是外地人來水庫辦事,能找得著門才怪呢!”
車子最終在水庫的大門前停了下來。劉,趙兩人下了車。趙凱峰走到鐵柵欄門旁, 向裏張望。門裏除了一棟水庫管理處的叁層小樓,其餘的都是湖水,沙灘和樹林,既安靜又優美。
“你說, 那輛白色捷達, 真會是在這兒被清洗的嗎?”趙凱峰問。
“有人嗎?” 他接著朝柵欄門裏喊了一聲。
“你好! 我們是公安局的,來這兒了解點情況。”說著,劉明天向老者出示了證件。老人看是公安,態度馬上就積極了起來。他先自我介紹, 說是水庫管理處的老聞, 然後就把他們領進接待室。接著又忙著沏茶倒水。被劉明天勸阻後, 老聞才放心地坐下來談話。
“你們的水庫總共有幾道大門?” 劉明天直奔主題.
“只有兩道。除了你們進來的那道, 南面還有一個門。”
“開得進來, 不過 …”
老聞猶豫起來。劉, 趙兩人急了, “不過什麼?”
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 12
Zhao Kaifeng stretched his body out of the car window and looked ahead, “We’re close, I can see the gate already. ”
Liu Mingtian, who’s driving the car, did a quick check around and said,”How could they build the gate up in such a remote place? How could they expect people to find it if they are not from local?
Finally they parked their car in front of the reservoir gate. They both got off the car. Zhao Kaifeng looked inside through the barred gate. Inside the gate, other than a three-story building for administration staff, the rest were just lake, sandy shore and ravine, quiet and beautiful.
“Do you really believe that the white Jetta was washed up here?” Zhao Kaifeng asked.
“This is the only nature water body in this city. Let’s go in first.” Liu Mingtian replied. Then he called out,”Anybody here?”
“Who are you looking for?” An old man walked out listlessly.
“How are you? We’re police. We’re here to collect some information. ” Liu Mingtian introduced himself while showing his identify to the old man. Knowing it’s a visit by the police, the old man’s attitude warmed up. He introduced himself as Lao Wen, who worked in the Administration Office of the reservoir. He then led the two detectives into the office. He intended to make some tea for them, Liu Mingtian kindly stopped him.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 12
开车的刘明天往左右扫了一眼,”这大门怎么修得那么深? 要是外地人来水库办事,能找得着门才怪呢!”
车子最终在水库的大门前停了下来。刘,赵两人下了车。赵凯峰走到铁栅栏门旁, 向里张望。门里除了一栋水库管理处的三层小楼,其余的都是湖水,沙滩和树林,既安静又优美。
“你说, 那辆白色捷达, 真会是在这儿被清洗的吗?”赵凯峰问。
“有人吗?” 他接着朝栅栏门里喊了一声。
“你好! 我们是公安局的,来这儿了解点情况。”说着,刘明天向老者出示了证件。老人看是公安,态度马上就积极了起来。他先自我介绍, 说是水库管理处的老闻, 然后就把他们领进接待室。接着又忙着沏茶倒水。被刘明天劝阻后, 老闻才放心地坐下来谈话。
“你们的水库总共有几道大门?” 刘明天直奔主题.
“只有两道。除了你们进来的那道, 南面还有一个门。”
“开得进来, 不过 …”
老闻犹豫起来。刘, 赵两人急了, “不过什么?”
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
zha4 lan2 fence
guan3 li3 management; administration
shui3 ti3 body of water
wu2 jing1 da2 cai3 in low spirits
ji1 ji2 active
jie1 dai4 to receive (a visitor)
you2 yu4 to hesitate
zuì’è yǒu hén 12
zhào kǎi fēng bǎ shàngshēn tàn chū chēchuāng wài, jílì xiàngqián zhāngwàng,” kuài le kuài le, wǒ yǐjīng kànjiàn dàmén le。”
kāichē de Liú míngtiān wǎng zuǒyòu sǎo le yīyǎn,” zhè dàmén zěnme xiū dé nàme shēn? yàoshi wàidìrén lái shuǐkù bànshì, néng zhǎo dézháo mén cáiguài ne!”
chēzi zuìzhōng zài shuǐkù de dàmén qián tíng le xiàlai。 Liú, zhào liǎng rén xià le chē。 zhào kǎi fēng zǒu dào tiě zhàlán mén páng, xiàng lǐ zhāngwàng。 mén lǐ chúle yī dòng shuǐkù guǎnlǐ chǔ de sān céng xiǎo lóu, qíyú de dōu shì hú shuǐ, shātān hé shùlín, jì ānjìng yòu yōuměi。
” nǐ shuō, nà liàng báisè Jiédá, zhēn huì shì zài zhèr bèi qīngxǐ de ma?” zhào kǎi fēng wèn。
” zhèzhǒng kěnéng zuì dà。 yīnwèi zhèr shì běnshì wéiyī de zìrán shuǐtǐ。 xiānjìn qù kànkan zàishuō。” Liú míngtiān dá。
” yǒurén ma?” tā jiēzhe cháo zhàlán mén lǐ hǎn le yīshēng。
” zhǎo shéi ā?” cóngxiǎo lóu lǐ zǒuchū le yī gè wújīngdǎcǎi de lǎozhě。
” nǐhǎo! wǒmen shì gōng’ānjú de, lái zhèr liǎojiě diǎn qíngkuàng。” shuō zhe, Liú míngtiān xiàng lǎozhě chūshì le zhèngjiàn。 lǎorén kàn shì gōng’ān, tàidu mǎshàng jiù jījí le qilai。 tā xiān zìwǒjièshào, shuō shì shuǐkù guǎnlǐ chǔ de lǎo wén, ránhòu jiù bǎ tāmen lǐng jìn jiēdàishì。 jiēzhe yòu mángzhe qī chá dǎo shuǐ。 bèi Liú míngtiān quànzǔ hòu, lǎo wén cái fàng xīndì zuò xiàlai tánhuà。
“ nǐmen de shuǐkù zǒng gòngyǒu jǐ dào dàmén?” Liú míngtiān zhíbèn zhǔtí.
“ zhǐyǒu liǎng dào。 chúle nǐmen jìnlái de nà dào, nánmiàn háiyǒu yī gè mén。”
“ nàge mén qìchē kāi dé jìnlái ma?”
“ kāi dé jìnlái, bùguò …”
lǎo wén yóuyù qilai。 Liú, zhào liǎng rén jí le, “ bùguò shénme?”
“ wǒmen zhè liǎng dào dàmén chángnián dōu suǒ zhe。 píngshí shàngxiàbān de rén dōu cóng zhèngmén shàng de nàge xiǎo mén jìnchū。 nánbian nà dào dàmén jīhū bùyòng。 wǒmen zhèr hěn shǎoyǒu chē lái。”
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 12
開車的劉明天往左右掃了一眼,”這大門怎麼修得那麼深? 要是外地人來水庫辦事,能找得著門才怪呢!”
車子最終在水庫的大門前停了下來。劉,趙兩人下了車。趙凱峰走到鐵柵欄門旁, 向裏張望。門裏除了一棟水庫管理處的叁層小樓,其餘的都是湖水,沙灘和樹林,既安靜又優美。
“你說, 那輛白色捷達, 真會是在這兒被清洗的嗎?”趙凱峰問。
“有人嗎?” 他接著朝柵欄門裏喊了一聲。
“你好! 我們是公安局的,來這兒了解點情況。”說著,劉明天向老者出示了證件。老人看是公安,態度馬上就積極了起來。他先自我介紹, 說是水庫管理處的老聞, 然後就把他們領進接待室。接著又忙著沏茶倒水。被劉明天勸阻後, 老聞才放心地坐下來談話。
“你們的水庫總共有幾道大門?” 劉明天直奔主題.
“只有兩道。除了你們進來的那道, 南面還有一個門。”
“開得進來, 不過 …”
老聞猶豫起來。劉, 趙兩人急了, “不過什麼?”
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 12
Zhao Kaifeng stretched his body out of the car window and looked ahead, “We’re close, I can see the gate already. ”
Liu Mingtian, who’s driving the car, did a quick check around and said,”How could they build the gate up in such a remote place? How could they expect people to find it if they are not from local?
Finally they parked their car in front of the reservoir gate. They both got off the car. Zhao Kaifeng looked inside through the barred gate. Inside the gate, other than a three-story building for administration staff, the rest were just lake, sandy shore and ravine, quiet and beautiful.
“Do you really believe that the white Jetta was washed up here?” Zhao Kaifeng asked.
“This is the only nature water body in this city. Let’s go in first.” Liu Mingtian replied. Then he called out,”Anybody here?”
“Who are you looking for?” An old man walked out listlessly.
“How are you? We’re police. We’re here to collect some information. ” Liu Mingtian introduced himself while showing his identify to the old man. Knowing it’s a visit by the police, the old man’s attitude warmed up. He introduced himself as Lao Wen, who worked in the Administration Office of the reservoir. He then led the two detectives into the office. He intended to make some tea for them, Liu Mingtian kindly stopped him.