Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 15 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 20:49  点击:365
Despite of Luo Yuan’s suspicious reaction, he didn’t reveal any valuable information. Both he and Lao Wen firmly confirmed there was no car entered the reservoir lately…

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 15





“诶,同志,你的意思是,这两人, 就是星期天在国道上抢劫又杀人的路匪?!”罗元显出吃惊的模样。









[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition

          yan3 shu2     familiar-looking; to seem familiar


    kai1 kuo4     wide; open (spaces)


 zuì’è yǒu hén 15


” zěnme? kàn zhuóyǎn shú?” zhào kǎi fēng wèn。

” bù shú yě bù shēng, cháng zhè múyàng de rén dàochù dōu shì。 tāmen dàodǐ gànshá huàishì r le?” luó yuán yòu chóngfù le yībiàn tā de wèntí。

” nǐ bùzěnme kàn diànshì ba? qiánjǐtiān xīnwén lǐ dōu zài tōngjī zhè liǎng gèrén, tāmen shì chí qiāng qiǎngjié’àn de xiányífàn。” zhào kǎi fēng yībiān huídá, yībiān mùbùzhuǎnjīng dì dīng zhe luó yuán。

” ēi, tóngzhì, nǐ de yìsi shì, zhè liǎng rén, jiùshì Xīngqītiān zài guódào shàng qiǎngjié yòu shārén de lù fěi?!” luó yuán xiǎnchū chījīng de múyàng。

” méicuò, shuō de jiùshì nà zhuāng ànzi。” Liú míngtiān quèrèn dào。

” bùhuì ba。。。” luó yuán xiǎoshēng dūnang le yījù。

” bùhuì shénme?” Liú míngtiān fǎnwèn。

” o, méishénme, wǒ jiùshì juéde nàxiē lù fěi bùhuì dào wǒmen zhèr lái。 zhège shuǐkù shì piàn kāikuò dì, méi chǔ duǒ ā!”
” wǒmen gèng guānxīn de shì, jìn jǐtiān yǒu méiyǒu chēliàng jìnlái guò? nǐ néng zài hǎohǎo xiǎng xiǎng ma?” Liú míngtiān kěnqiè dì wèn luó yuán。

” fǎnzhèng wǒ shì kěndìng méi jiàn guò yǒu chē jìnlái de。” luó yuán shuō wán yòu kàn xiàng lǎo wén。” wén zhǔrèn, nǐ ne?”

lǎo wén yòu bǎishǒu, yòu yáotóu,” wǒ yě méi jiàn guò。”


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 15





“誒,同志,你的意思是,這兩人, 就是星期天在國道上搶劫又殺人的路匪?!”羅元顯出吃驚的模樣。









[English translation]
Traces of Sin  15

“Parden me? They look familiar?” Asked Zhao Kaifeng.

“Not familiar nor strange. People with this look are everywher. What bad things they did exactly?” Luo Yuan asked his question again.

“You don’t watch TV, did you? These people were posted as most wanted in the news lately. They are the suspects of an armed robbery.” Zhao Kaifeng answered Luo Yuan’s question while fixing his eyes on him.

“Then are you saying that they are the robbers who killed people on the Highway last Sundays?” Luo Yuan looked a bit shocked.

“Exactly, that is the case we’re talking about.” Liu Mingtian /confirm/ied.

“It can’t be true…” Luo Yuan murmured.

“What can’t be true?” Asked Liu Mingtian.


03/06 03:32
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