Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 16 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 20:50  点击:325
After the detectives left, the reservoir came back to a quiet place. Lao Wen finished his work and left. Luo Yuan was the last to leave the reservoir…

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 16





异常安静的水和沙滩, 还有周围的矮树林, 在警察来过后, 都变了味道. 它们不象平时那样让罗元感到身心放松, 正相反, 它们的沉默给罗元带来的是不一种不安, 一种难以名状的不安.


一只绿皮青蛙挡住了罗元的路,罗元对青蛙做了个鬼脸,然后用力在青蛙面前跺了一脚。青蛙飞快地逃开了。看青蛙逃命的样子,罗元呵呵一笑。与此同时,手机声响起,罗元忙把手机从腰间摸出 。


[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
播放机      播放機     bo1 fang4 ji1     audio player
京剧     京劇     jing1 ju4     Beijing opera
异常     異常     yi4 chang2     exceptional; abnormal
难以名状     難以名狀     nan2 yi3 ming2 zhuang4     hard to describe
脑子进水     腦子進水     nao3 zi5 jin4 shui3     can’t think straight (slang)
青蛙           qing1 wa1     frog


 zuì’è yǒu hén 16


Liú míngtiān tāmen zǒu hòu, luó yuán yòu huídào shuǐbiān qǔyàng。 lǎo wén zé huídào bàngōngshì, kāi le tā de xiǎo bōfàngjī, jìxù tīng tā zuì xǐhuan de Jīngjù。

tiānsè jiàn wǎn, lǎo wén kàn le kàn bōfàngjī shàng de shíjiān, shōushi shōushi dōngxi, līn zhe bāo dào shuǐbiān gēn luó yuán dǎ le gè zhāohu jiù huíjiā qù le。

shuǐkù lǐ zhǐ shèngxià luó yuán le。 tā diūxià qǔshuǐ yàng de xiāngzi, yánzhe shuǐbiān bù jǐn bù màn dì zǒu qilai。

yìcháng ānjìng de shuǐ hé shātān, háiyǒu zhōu wéi de ǎi shùlín, zài jǐngchá lái guòhòu, dōu biàn le wèidao. tāmen bù xiàng píngshí nàyàng ràng luó yuán gǎndào shēnxīn fàngsōng, zhèng xiāngfǎn, tāmen de chénmò gěi luó yuán dàilái de shì bù yīzhǒng bù’ān, yīzhǒng nányǐ míngzhuàng de bù’ān.

” shuǐkù de mén kāi bù kāi, gēn qiǎngjié’àn huì yǒu shénme guānxi ne? zhèxiē jǐngchá zhēnshi nǎozijìnshuǐ。 zhèlǐ miàn shù dōu hěn ǎi, xī xīshū shū de, māo dōu cáng bùliǎo, hái néng Zàngrén?” luó yuán zài xīn lǐ dígu。” suīrán méi gēn jǐngchá shuōshíhuà, yě bùhuì yǒu duōdà de hòuguǒ ba。 wǒ tiāntiān zài zhèlǐ shàngbān, méi shá bùduì de ya。。。”

yī zhǐ lǜ pí qīngwā dǎngzhù le luó yuán de lù, luó yuán duì qīngwā zuò le gè guǐliǎn, ránhòu yònglì zài qīngwā miànqián duò le yī jiǎo。 qīngwā fēikuài dì táo kāi le。 kàn qīngwā táomìng de yàngzi, luó yuán hēhē yī xiào。 yǔcǐtóngshí, shǒujī shēngxiǎng qǐ, luó yuán máng bǎshǒu jī cóng yāo jiān mō chū 。


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 16





異常安靜的水和沙灘, 還有週圍的矮樹林, 在警察來過後, 都變了味道. 它們不象平時那樣讓羅元感到身心放松, 正相反, 它們的沉默給羅元帶來的是不一種不安, 一種難以名狀的不安.


一只綠皮青蛙擋住了羅元的路,羅元對青蛙做了個鬼臉,然後用力在青蛙面前跺了一腳。青蛙飛快地逃開了。看青蛙逃命的樣子,羅元呵呵一笑。與此同時,手機聲響起,羅元忙把手機從腰間摸出 。


[English translation]
Traces of Sin  16

After Liu and Zhao left, Luo Yuan came back to the water side to continue taking water samples. Lao Wen went back to the office and turned on his audio player to listen to his favorite Beijing Opera.

The night was approaching. Lao Wen checked the time on the audio player. Then he wrapped up his stuff, carried his suitcase, went back to the water side, said goodbye to Luo Yuan and left.

By then, Luo Yuan was the person left in the reservoir. He left his sample box and strolled along the water bank.

The quiet water and the sand shore, also the ravine around, they all looked different after the visit of the police. They can’t offer the relaxing atmosphere to Luo Yuan like before. On the contrary, their silence made Luo Yuan to feel uneasy and fidgeting.

“Whether the gates of the reservoir were opened or not – what could that has anything to do with the robbery? These police must have had their head stuffed. With trees so short and sparse, even a cat can’t hide here, how could a human being do that?” Luo Yuan questioned in his mind. “Although I didn’t tell the truth to the police, I don’t think anything bad could come out of it. I work here everyday, things look just normal everywher. ”

A green frog blocked Luo Yuan’s way. He made a face to the frog and then stomp heavily in front of it. The flog escaped in a flash. Looking at the hopping-away frog, Luo Yuan chuckled. At that moment, a phone ring came. He then quickly fished out his cell phone.


03/06 12:26
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