The two detectives received an urgent call from Luo Yuan. The bodies of the Jeta owner and his mistress were found buried in the sand of the reservoir.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 18
刘明天接完电话后, 精神一振,”罗元来的,他在水库发现了尸体。”
齐友发和崔雁是面对面被埋在沙堆里的。死亡原因都是致命枪伤。罗元听到的手机声来自崔雁还挎在身上的手袋。打电话的是一个才从外省来本市的年轻人, 是崔雁的老乡, 还不知道崔雁已经出事。
“两人身上所带的钱包, 只是现金遗失, 但证件都在。尸体完整, 没有故意掩盖受害者身份的企图, 不象是熟人做案。“ 这是刘明天和赵凯峰对现场的初步看法。”看来, 齐友发和崔雁, 是在错误的时机, 选择了一个错误的地点幽会。”
这时天已渐黑, 聚集的警察, 法医, 和现场技术人员, 打破了水库里让人窒息的寂静。罗元弓着背, 颓丧地坐在一处稍远的石凳上.
“行, 我跟你们走一趟。你们一定要相信我, 我没杀人, 跟这事儿一点边都不沾。我承认, 门是我开的, 可我真没看见是谁干的。”
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
ji2 cu4 urgent; rushing
lao3 xiang1 fellow townsman; sb from the same hometown
qi3 tu2 attempt
shu2 ren2 acquaintance
you1 hui4 lovers’ rendezvous
ju4 ji2 to gather
zhi4 xi1 to choke; suffocating
ji4 jing4 quietness
dan4 ding4 calm and collected
zuì’è yǒu hén 18
Liú míngtiān de shǒujī jícù dì xiǎng le qilai。 tā hé zhào kǎi fēng gānggang tàjìn yījiā miàn guǎn, zhǔn bèi bǎ wǎnfàn duìfu le。
Liú míngtiān jiē wán diànhuà hòu, jīngshén yī zhèn,” luó yuánlái de, tā zài shuǐkù fāxiàn le shītǐ。”
qí yǒu fā hé cuī yàn shì miànduìmiàn bèi mái zài shā duī lǐ de。 sǐwáng yuányīn dōu shì zhìmìng qiāngshāng。 luó yuán tīngdào de shǒujī shēng láizì cuī yàn hái kuà zài shēnshang de shǒu dài。 dǎdiànhuà de shì yī gè cái cóng wài shěng lái běnshì de niánqīngrén, shì cuī yàn de lǎoxiāng, hái bù zhīdào cuī yàn yǐjīng chūshì。
“ liǎng rén shēnshang suǒ dài de qiánbāo, zhǐshì xiànjīn yíshī, dàn zhèngjiàn dōu zài。 shītǐ wánzhěng, méiyǒu gùyì yǎngài shòuhàizhě shēnfèn de qǐtú, bù xiàng shì shúrén zuò àn。“ zhè shì Liú míngtiān hé zhào kǎi fēng duì xiànchǎng de chūbù kànfǎ。” kànlai, qí yǒu fā hé cuī yàn, shì zài cuòwù de shíjī, xuǎnzé le yī gè cuòwù de dìdiǎn yōuhuì。”
zhèshí tiān yǐ jiàn hēi, jùjí de jǐngchá, fǎyī, hé xiànchǎng jìshùrényuán, dǎpò le shuǐkù lǐ ràng rén zhìxī de jìjìng。 luó yuán gōng zhe bèi, tuísàng dì zuò zài yī chǔ shāo yuǎn de shí dèng shàng.
“ xíng, wǒ gēn nǐmen zǒu yī tàng。 nǐmen yīdìngyào xiāngxìn wǒ, wǒ méi shārén, gēn zhè shìr yīdiǎn biān dōu bù zhān。 wǒ chéngrèn, mén shì wǒ kāi de, kě wǒ zhēn méi kànjiàn shì shéi gàn de。”
luó yuán duì Liú míngtiān shuō zhè huà de shíhou, xiǎnrán yǐjīng méiyǒu le zǎoxiē shíhou nà cì tánhuà shí de dàndìng。
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 18
劉明天接完電話後, 精神一振,”羅元來的,他在水庫發現了屍體。”
齊友發和崔雁是面對面被埋在沙堆裏的。死亡原因都是致命槍傷。羅元聽到的手機聲來自崔雁還挎在身上的手袋。打電話的是一個才從外省來本市的年輕人, 是崔雁的老鄉, 還不知道崔雁已經出事。
“兩人身上所帶的錢包, 只是現金遺失, 但證件都在。屍體完整, 沒有故意掩蓋受害者身份的企圖, 不象是熟人做案。“ 這是劉明天和趙凱峰對現場的初步看法。”看來, 齊友發和崔雁, 是在錯誤的時機, 選擇了一個錯誤的地點幽會。”
這時天已漸黑, 聚集的警察, 法醫, 和現場技術人員, 打破了水庫裏讓人窒息的寂靜。羅元弓著背, 頹喪地坐在一處稍遠的石凳上.
“行, 我跟你們走一趟。你們一定要相信我, 我沒殺人, 跟這事兒一點邊都不沾。我承認, 門是我開的, 可我真沒看見是誰幹的。”
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 18
As soon as Liu Mingtian and Zhao Kaifeng stepped into the Noodle Diner for dinner, Liu’s cell phone rang in a hurry.
The Phone call boost his spirit, “It’s from Luo Yuan, he found bodies in the reservoir. ”
Qi Youfa and Cui Yan were buried in the sand face to face. Cause of Death was lethal gun wound. The ring tone that Luo Yuan heard came from Cui Yan’s hand bag. The person that called was a young man who came from another province. He didn’t know the terrible misfortune that Cui Yan had.
“Other than the cash was missing, all other ID cards in their wallets were intact. Their bodies were not intentionally disformed, which means the killer didn’t intend to cover their identities. Therefore the killer is not likely to be the victims’ aquaintance. ” That was the first conclusion that Liu and Zhao made after the crime scene investigation. “It looks that Qi and Cui picked the wrong place and wrong time to date.”
At that time, it was getting dark. The gang of police, forensic technicians and crime scene investigators broke the pure tranquility of the reservoir. Luo Yuan sit on a stone stool a bit further from the crime scene with his back hunched.
“Fine, I’ll go with you. But you have to believe me that I have nothing to do with this. I admit that it was me who opened the door, but I don’t know who did it.”
Obviously Luo Yuan had lost his calmness while he did the above confession.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 18
刘明天接完电话后, 精神一振,”罗元来的,他在水库发现了尸体。”
齐友发和崔雁是面对面被埋在沙堆里的。死亡原因都是致命枪伤。罗元听到的手机声来自崔雁还挎在身上的手袋。打电话的是一个才从外省来本市的年轻人, 是崔雁的老乡, 还不知道崔雁已经出事。
“两人身上所带的钱包, 只是现金遗失, 但证件都在。尸体完整, 没有故意掩盖受害者身份的企图, 不象是熟人做案。“ 这是刘明天和赵凯峰对现场的初步看法。”看来, 齐友发和崔雁, 是在错误的时机, 选择了一个错误的地点幽会。”
这时天已渐黑, 聚集的警察, 法医, 和现场技术人员, 打破了水库里让人窒息的寂静。罗元弓着背, 颓丧地坐在一处稍远的石凳上.
“行, 我跟你们走一趟。你们一定要相信我, 我没杀人, 跟这事儿一点边都不沾。我承认, 门是我开的, 可我真没看见是谁干的。”
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
ji2 cu4 urgent; rushing
lao3 xiang1 fellow townsman; sb from the same hometown
qi3 tu2 attempt
shu2 ren2 acquaintance
you1 hui4 lovers’ rendezvous
ju4 ji2 to gather
zhi4 xi1 to choke; suffocating
ji4 jing4 quietness
dan4 ding4 calm and collected
zuì’è yǒu hén 18
Liú míngtiān de shǒujī jícù dì xiǎng le qilai。 tā hé zhào kǎi fēng gānggang tàjìn yījiā miàn guǎn, zhǔn bèi bǎ wǎnfàn duìfu le。
Liú míngtiān jiē wán diànhuà hòu, jīngshén yī zhèn,” luó yuánlái de, tā zài shuǐkù fāxiàn le shītǐ。”
qí yǒu fā hé cuī yàn shì miànduìmiàn bèi mái zài shā duī lǐ de。 sǐwáng yuányīn dōu shì zhìmìng qiāngshāng。 luó yuán tīngdào de shǒujī shēng láizì cuī yàn hái kuà zài shēnshang de shǒu dài。 dǎdiànhuà de shì yī gè cái cóng wài shěng lái běnshì de niánqīngrén, shì cuī yàn de lǎoxiāng, hái bù zhīdào cuī yàn yǐjīng chūshì。
“ liǎng rén shēnshang suǒ dài de qiánbāo, zhǐshì xiànjīn yíshī, dàn zhèngjiàn dōu zài。 shītǐ wánzhěng, méiyǒu gùyì yǎngài shòuhàizhě shēnfèn de qǐtú, bù xiàng shì shúrén zuò àn。“ zhè shì Liú míngtiān hé zhào kǎi fēng duì xiànchǎng de chūbù kànfǎ。” kànlai, qí yǒu fā hé cuī yàn, shì zài cuòwù de shíjī, xuǎnzé le yī gè cuòwù de dìdiǎn yōuhuì。”
zhèshí tiān yǐ jiàn hēi, jùjí de jǐngchá, fǎyī, hé xiànchǎng jìshùrényuán, dǎpò le shuǐkù lǐ ràng rén zhìxī de jìjìng。 luó yuán gōng zhe bèi, tuísàng dì zuò zài yī chǔ shāo yuǎn de shí dèng shàng.
“ xíng, wǒ gēn nǐmen zǒu yī tàng。 nǐmen yīdìngyào xiāngxìn wǒ, wǒ méi shārén, gēn zhè shìr yīdiǎn biān dōu bù zhān。 wǒ chéngrèn, mén shì wǒ kāi de, kě wǒ zhēn méi kànjiàn shì shéi gàn de。”
luó yuán duì Liú míngtiān shuō zhè huà de shíhou, xiǎnrán yǐjīng méiyǒu le zǎoxiē shíhou nà cì tánhuà shí de dàndìng。
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 18
劉明天接完電話後, 精神一振,”羅元來的,他在水庫發現了屍體。”
齊友發和崔雁是面對面被埋在沙堆裏的。死亡原因都是致命槍傷。羅元聽到的手機聲來自崔雁還挎在身上的手袋。打電話的是一個才從外省來本市的年輕人, 是崔雁的老鄉, 還不知道崔雁已經出事。
“兩人身上所帶的錢包, 只是現金遺失, 但證件都在。屍體完整, 沒有故意掩蓋受害者身份的企圖, 不象是熟人做案。“ 這是劉明天和趙凱峰對現場的初步看法。”看來, 齊友發和崔雁, 是在錯誤的時機, 選擇了一個錯誤的地點幽會。”
這時天已漸黑, 聚集的警察, 法醫, 和現場技術人員, 打破了水庫裏讓人窒息的寂靜。羅元弓著背, 頹喪地坐在一處稍遠的石凳上.
“行, 我跟你們走一趟。你們一定要相信我, 我沒殺人, 跟這事兒一點邊都不沾。我承認, 門是我開的, 可我真沒看見是誰幹的。”
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 18
As soon as Liu Mingtian and Zhao Kaifeng stepped into the Noodle Diner for dinner, Liu’s cell phone rang in a hurry.
The Phone call boost his spirit, “It’s from Luo Yuan, he found bodies in the reservoir. ”
Qi Youfa and Cui Yan were buried in the sand face to face. Cause of Death was lethal gun wound. The ring tone that Luo Yuan heard came from Cui Yan’s hand bag. The person that called was a young man who came from another province. He didn’t know the terrible misfortune that Cui Yan had.
“Other than the cash was missing, all other ID cards in their wallets were intact. Their bodies were not intentionally disformed, which means the killer didn’t intend to cover their identities. Therefore the killer is not likely to be the victims’ aquaintance. ” That was the first conclusion that Liu and Zhao made after the crime scene investigation. “It looks that Qi and Cui picked the wrong place and wrong time to date.”
At that time, it was getting dark. The gang of police, forensic technicians and crime scene investigators broke the pure tranquility of the reservoir. Luo Yuan sit on a stone stool a bit further from the crime scene with his back hunched.
“Fine, I’ll go with you. But you have to believe me that I have nothing to do with this. I admit that it was me who opened the door, but I don’t know who did it.”
Obviously Luo Yuan had lost his calmness while he did the above confession.