Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 22 (Intermediate to Advanced)
日期:2014-09-28 20:53  点击:606
Wen Suyun, Zhuang Liqun’s Mom, met two detectives outside of her daughter’s school. She didn’t believe what the police said about her son.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 22




“我说啊, 这已经是大突破了, 至少你们可以把画像换成照片来通缉了吧?” 坐在后座的李维也加入了他们的谈话。

“那当然。”赵凯峰回答。”而且, 从他的关系网摸下去, 二号嫌犯也应该能查出来。” 赵凯峰其实更想坐在刘明天的车上, 他可不想错过查出二号嫌犯的精彩时刻。

两声刺耳的车喇叭声打断了他们的谈话。原来, 他们已经到了搞活动的广场。柯勇正用车喇叭声和同事打招呼呢。


一清早在佳佳上学的校门口, 两个警察把文素云拦了下来。他们接下来和文素云谈的话, 让她半天回不过神来。

“同志, 你们一定搞错了。立群是个懂事的孩子, 他根本不可能去干什么抢劫杀人的事。我的孩子我最清楚。”


[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition


    guan1 xi5 wang3     social network

        jing1 cai3     brilliant

        ci4 er3     ear-piercing

        la3 ba5     horn (automobile etc)


    hui2 bu4 guo4 shen2     can’t collect one’s thoughts; confused (in shock)

        dong3 shi4     sensible; thoughtful


 zuì’è yǒu hén 22


“ zěnme jiǎng?”

“ tā yǐjīng pǎo le。 méi rén zhīdào tā qù le nǎr。“

“ wǒ shuō ā, zhè yǐjīng shì dà tūpò le, zhìshǎo nǐmen kěyǐ bǎ huàxiàng huànchéng zhàopiàn lái tōngjī le ba?” zuò zài hòuzuò de Lǐwéi yě jiārù le tāmen de tánhuà。

“ nà dāngrán。” zhào kǎi fēng huídá。 “érqiě, cóng tā de guānxi wǎng mō xiàqù, èrhào xiánfàn yě yīnggāi néng chá chūlái。” zhào kǎi fēng qíshí gèng xiǎng zuò zài Liú míngtiān de chē shàng, tā kě bùxiǎng cuòguò cháchū èrhào xiánfàn de jīngcǎi shíkè。

liǎng shēng cì’ěr de chē lǎba shēng dǎduàn le tāmen de tánhuà。 yuánlái, tāmen yǐjīng dàoliǎo gǎo huódòng de guǎngchǎng。 kē yǒng zhèngyòng chē lǎba shēng hé tóngshì dǎ zhāo hū ne。
yī qīng zǎozài jiā jiā shàngxué de jiào ménkǒu, liǎng gè jǐngchá bǎ wén sù yún lán le xiàlai。 tāmen jiēxiàlái hé wén sù yún tán dehuà, ràng tā bàntiān huí bùguò shén lái。

“ tóngzhì, nǐmen yīdìng gǎocuò le。 lì qún shì gè dǒngshì de háizi, tā gēnběn bùkěnéng qù gànshénme qiǎngjié shārén de shì。 wǒ de háizi wǒ zuì qīngchu。”



[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 22




“我說啊, 這已經是大突破了, 至少你們可以把畫像換成照片來通緝了吧?” 坐在後座的李維也加入了他們的談話。

“那當然。”趙凱峰回答。”而且, 從他的關系網摸下去, 二號嫌犯也應該能查出來。” 趙凱峰其實更想坐在劉明天的車上, 他可不想錯過查出二號嫌犯的精彩時刻。

兩聲刺耳的車喇叭聲打斷了他們的談話。原來, 他們已經到了搞活動的廣場。柯勇正用車喇叭聲和同事打招呼呢。


一清早在佳佳上學的校門口, 兩個警察把文素雲攔了下來。他們接下來和文素雲談的話, 讓她半天回不過神來。

“同志, 你們一定搞錯了。立群是個懂事的孩子, 他根本不可能去幹什麼搶劫殺人的事。我的孩子我最清楚。”


[English translation]
Traces of Sin  22


“He has escaped. No one knows wher he had gone to.”

“In my opinion, you’ve made major breakthrough. At least you can swap photo with picture for the most wanted?” Li Wei, who was sitting in the rear seat joined their conversation.

“That’s for sure.” Zhao Kaifeng answered. “Moreover, the second suspect should be identified soon as well once we sort out the social network of the first one.” Honestly, Zhao Kaifeng did prefer to be sitting on Liu Mingtian’s car, he didn’t want to miss the moment that the second suspect were identified.

Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by harsh honking sound. They’ve just arrived at the square. Ke Yong was honking to other colleagues as a greeting.
It was early in the morning when Wen Suyun encountered two policemen at the gate of Jia Jia’s school. The things they told Wen Suyun there after made her rather confused.

“Sir, you must have made mistakes. Liqun is a good kid, it’s not even possible that he could have been involved in robbery and killing. I know my own kid.”


03/06 17:30
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