While Wen Suyun worried about her son, a phone call came in…
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 24
“我难说过段时间要去外地,来不了你们这儿。”儿子的这句话突然地回现在文素云的脑海。难道 。。。文素云不敢再往下想。离婚后心里一直藏着的对儿子的欠疚, 此时这种欠疚一股脑翻腾起来。不管儿子做了什么,她都要尽全力帮他。她也一直相信,立群不是一个坏孩子。他虽然有过十分激烈的叛逆期,但那早已过去了。抢劫杀人?!这绝对不可能!
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
欠疚 qian4 jiu4 guilt
一股脑 一股腦 yi1 gu3 nao3 all at once
翻腾 翻騰 fan1 teng2 to churn; raging (torrent)
叛逆 pan4 ni4 to rebel
魂不守舍 hun2 bu4 shou3 she4 to be preoccupied (idiom); to be inattentive
愁云 愁雲 chou2 worried thoughts
取代 qu3 dai4 to replace
zuì’è yǒu hén 24
” wǒ nán shuō guò duàn shíjiān yào qù wàidì, lái bùliǎo nǐmen zhèr。” érzi de zhè jù huà tūrán dì huí xiànzài wén sù yún de nǎohǎi。 nándào 。。。 wén sù yún bù gǎn zài wǎng xià xiǎng。 líhūn hòu xīnli yīzhí cáng zhe de duì érzi de qiàn jiù, cǐshí zhèzhǒng qiàn jiù yīgǔnǎo fānténg qilai。 bùguǎn érzi zuò le shénme, tā dōu yào jìn quánlì bāng tā。 tā yě yīzhí xiāngxìn, lì qún bùshì yī gè huài háizi。 tā suīrán yǒu guò shífēn jīliè de pànnì qī, dàn nà zǎoyǐ guòqu le。 qiǎngjié shārén?! zhè juéduì bùkěnéng!
nà yī zhěngtiān, wén sù yún dōu chǔyú yīzhǒng húnbùshǒushè de zhuàngtài, zhídào wǎnshang yī gè diànhuà dǎjìn lái de shíhou。。。
” mā, shì wǒ。”
” ya, shì lì qún ma? nǐ zǒngsuàn dǎ lái diànhuà le! nǐ zhè shì qù nǎr le ya? jīntiān liǎng gè jǐngchá lái zhǎo wǒ, wèn nǐ de qíngkuàng ne!”
” mā, wǒ hěn hǎo, nǐ bùyòng diànjì, wǒ xiǎng chūlái zuò diǎn shēngyì。 wǒ hái jízhe gǎnlù, bù gēn nǐ duō shuō le。 nǐ yīdìng bǎozhòng!”
” āi děngděng, lì qún, bié guà!”
diànhuà jiù zhèyàng cōngcōng guàduàn le。 wén sù yún shīshén dì fàngxia huàtǒng。 tīngdào érzi bào píng’ān, tā yǒule xiēxǔ xīnwèi, dàn zhèzhǒng xīnwèi hěn kuài jiù bèi gèng zhòng de chóu yún suǒ qǔdài。
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 24
“我難說過段時間要去外地,來不了你們這兒。”兒子的這句話突然地回現在文素雲的腦海。難道 。。。文素雲不敢再往下想。離婚後心裏一直藏著的對兒子的欠疚, 此時這種欠疚一股腦翻騰起來。不管兒子做了什麼,她都要盡全力幫他。她也一直相信,立群不是一個壞孩子。他雖然有過十分激烈的叛逆期,但那早已過去了。搶劫殺人?!這絕對不可能!
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 24
“It is possible that I’ll be out somewher soon, can’t visit you for a sometime.” That words of her son suddenly struck her mind. Could it be true that … Wen Suyun dared not to continue the thoughts. The guilt for her son that she had been hiding in her mind after the divorce started to boil now. No matter what her son had done, she was determined to help him regardless. She had belief in that her son was not a bad boy. He had had tough teenager time, but that was long gone. Robbery and murder?! That was beyond imagination!
That whole day, Wen Suyun’s mind was somewher else until she received a phone call in the evening …
“Mom, it’s me.”
“Is it you Liqun? You finally call back! wher have you been? There were two policemen approached me today for you!”
“Mom, I’m fine, don’t worry. I want to come out and do some business. I’m in a hurry, can’t chat for long. You take care!”
“No wait, Liqun, don’t hang up yet!”
That was the end of the call. Wen Suyun put down the phone in a heavy mood. She was a bit comforted upon hearing his son’s voice. However, that ease of mind was replaced by more worries soon.
[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 24
“我难说过段时间要去外地,来不了你们这儿。”儿子的这句话突然地回现在文素云的脑海。难道 。。。文素云不敢再往下想。离婚后心里一直藏着的对儿子的欠疚, 此时这种欠疚一股脑翻腾起来。不管儿子做了什么,她都要尽全力帮他。她也一直相信,立群不是一个坏孩子。他虽然有过十分激烈的叛逆期,但那早已过去了。抢劫杀人?!这绝对不可能!
[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Mandarin Pinyin English Definition
欠疚 qian4 jiu4 guilt
一股脑 一股腦 yi1 gu3 nao3 all at once
翻腾 翻騰 fan1 teng2 to churn; raging (torrent)
叛逆 pan4 ni4 to rebel
魂不守舍 hun2 bu4 shou3 she4 to be preoccupied (idiom); to be inattentive
愁云 愁雲 chou2 worried thoughts
取代 qu3 dai4 to replace
zuì’è yǒu hén 24
” wǒ nán shuō guò duàn shíjiān yào qù wàidì, lái bùliǎo nǐmen zhèr。” érzi de zhè jù huà tūrán dì huí xiànzài wén sù yún de nǎohǎi。 nándào 。。。 wén sù yún bù gǎn zài wǎng xià xiǎng。 líhūn hòu xīnli yīzhí cáng zhe de duì érzi de qiàn jiù, cǐshí zhèzhǒng qiàn jiù yīgǔnǎo fānténg qilai。 bùguǎn érzi zuò le shénme, tā dōu yào jìn quánlì bāng tā。 tā yě yīzhí xiāngxìn, lì qún bùshì yī gè huài háizi。 tā suīrán yǒu guò shífēn jīliè de pànnì qī, dàn nà zǎoyǐ guòqu le。 qiǎngjié shārén?! zhè juéduì bùkěnéng!
nà yī zhěngtiān, wén sù yún dōu chǔyú yīzhǒng húnbùshǒushè de zhuàngtài, zhídào wǎnshang yī gè diànhuà dǎjìn lái de shíhou。。。
” mā, shì wǒ。”
” ya, shì lì qún ma? nǐ zǒngsuàn dǎ lái diànhuà le! nǐ zhè shì qù nǎr le ya? jīntiān liǎng gè jǐngchá lái zhǎo wǒ, wèn nǐ de qíngkuàng ne!”
” mā, wǒ hěn hǎo, nǐ bùyòng diànjì, wǒ xiǎng chūlái zuò diǎn shēngyì。 wǒ hái jízhe gǎnlù, bù gēn nǐ duō shuō le。 nǐ yīdìng bǎozhòng!”
” āi děngděng, lì qún, bié guà!”
diànhuà jiù zhèyàng cōngcōng guàduàn le。 wén sù yún shīshén dì fàngxia huàtǒng。 tīngdào érzi bào píng’ān, tā yǒule xiēxǔ xīnwèi, dàn zhèzhǒng xīnwèi hěn kuài jiù bèi gèng zhòng de chóu yún suǒ qǔdài。
[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 24
“我難說過段時間要去外地,來不了你們這兒。”兒子的這句話突然地回現在文素雲的腦海。難道 。。。文素雲不敢再往下想。離婚後心裏一直藏著的對兒子的欠疚, 此時這種欠疚一股腦翻騰起來。不管兒子做了什麼,她都要盡全力幫他。她也一直相信,立群不是一個壞孩子。他雖然有過十分激烈的叛逆期,但那早已過去了。搶劫殺人?!這絕對不可能!
[English translation]
Traces of Sin 24
“It is possible that I’ll be out somewher soon, can’t visit you for a sometime.” That words of her son suddenly struck her mind. Could it be true that … Wen Suyun dared not to continue the thoughts. The guilt for her son that she had been hiding in her mind after the divorce started to boil now. No matter what her son had done, she was determined to help him regardless. She had belief in that her son was not a bad boy. He had had tough teenager time, but that was long gone. Robbery and murder?! That was beyond imagination!
That whole day, Wen Suyun’s mind was somewher else until she received a phone call in the evening …
“Mom, it’s me.”
“Is it you Liqun? You finally call back! wher have you been? There were two policemen approached me today for you!”
“Mom, I’m fine, don’t worry. I want to come out and do some business. I’m in a hurry, can’t chat for long. You take care!”
“No wait, Liqun, don’t hang up yet!”
That was the end of the call. Wen Suyun put down the phone in a heavy mood. She was a bit comforted upon hearing his son’s voice. However, that ease of mind was replaced by more worries soon.